What's going On with my Avatar?

So you’ll notice it’s a giant J.

I did change my ave on the main site, but the image didn’t look as good as I’d hoped so I changed it back. Since them my ave here has been a J.

I figured it might take a while to feed through from the main site, but it’s been a few days. It’s not a huge issue, obviously, but wondering what I could do to have it match the main site?


Do you get to the forums by directly typing in the URL? Try clicking the forums link on the main site. When you click the link on the main site, that actually sends the image data over here to the forums. If that doesn’t fix the image thing, I’ll look at it and see if it’s some kind of format or size thing.


I tried that but didn’t seem to work. I usually access the site and forum on mobile though, would that have anything to do with it?

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It shouldn’t matter if it’s desktop or mobile. I don’t see anything in the error logs. I’ll do some testing to figure out why it’s doing it.

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Thanks mate. Honestly though, it’s not a huge deal so don’t worry if you’ve more important things (eg; everything else).

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I also see a J. I thought you were doing something silly but I guess not hahaha.


Big J in the house!