For years I’ve felt that the original Deus Ex is my favourite game of all time.
While I still feel that to be the case, I wonder if it can still be considered the “best PC game of all time”?
Many publications in the past have said that it is, and I think it’s very much a contender for it, but I wonder how much gameplay VS influence plays into these things.
I’ve recently started playing Cyberpunk 2077 and it feels very Deus Ex-ish. Obviously there isn’t the conspiracy laden plot and the atmosphere is very different, but the influence of Deus Ex (DX) is so obvious that with a few tweaks it could easily be a continuation of the series.
But then you consider the changes to gameplay between now and 23 years ago; the mechanics that have been introduced that the original DX didn’t have. For example, there are no iron sights in the original DX. The closest you could get was to have a scoped weapon, regular guns you just had to aim “manually” and shoot.
Then there are the advancements in AI, integration of an open world, various playstyles, motion capture, etc.
On a technical level, DX is the lesser game because it could never hope to live up to the prowess of Cyberpunk. But then if those technical elements don’t work - as with Cyberpunk’s release - does it even matter?
Conversely, if we didn’t have DX, we may never have had Cyberpunk. DX introduced the deep, story driven RPG shooter with “play-your-way” elements (yes, I know Thief came first, but I feel like DX is the perfection of what Thief started). So does the path DX laid make it more meaningful to the history of gaming, and thus a “better” game?
I find this whole conversation really interesting and would love to hear other’s thoughts.