Hello everyone ^^
I´ll be very quick this week qwq. This week’s question is: Do you remember the first time you-preordered a game? Wich game was it? How was the experience?
Usually I don´t like to pre-order games, I’m of those people who waits months or years to buy a game when it´s on sale.
Remember that I’ll be reading all of your replies. ^^
I’m fairly certain it was Final Fantasy VII. Prior to that I don’t think I preordered anything, but I distinctly remember preordering FFXIV because it was essentially the gaming event of 2017.
My first pre order was Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and I only pre-ordered it because I could with my high school job. For like two years I had disposable income and then basically not again until last year.
MY first preorder was when I was quite old, once I started to get some disposable money. If my memory doesn’t betray me, it could have been one between the version of A Link between worlds that had a little chest with sound, or the version of Majora’s Mask 3D that had a statue of Skullkid. I’d say that most of my preorders are like that, special or collector’s editions.
I think the only game I’ve ever pre-ordered was Sakura Wars for the PS4. Otherwise I’m pretty much always fine just waiting for a sale later on down the line.
I think it might have been Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii?
I have memories of buying games at launch, but that’s the first I remember preordering.
I have only ever pre-ordered one game, and it is not my proudest moment, but I pre-ordered the first Watchdog game and a digital version on top.
If I could have gone into the game blind, I would have liked it. It’s not a bad game, but it’s not a very good one either.
The advertising promised me
- a beautiful-looking game, which it isn’t, at least not to that extend
- an interesting protagonist, while Aiden Pearce is as boring as it gets (I had to google his name because I could not remember it)
- an interesting story - which turned out to be the usual “niece gets killed, now I kill back” story
- A nerd who would turn the bad guys upside down without going in with guns blazing and killing, guess what, Aiden is a mass murderer instead
- Interesting hacking, which it did a bit of
- A vibrant city that was very dead instead
I also got the stupidest NPC ever (Aiden’s sister) who made me really angry.
So instead of being able to focus on the good things I got, and the game being fun enough for me to watch the credits, I felt betrayed and stupid for having pre-ordered a game where you needed a spreadsheet to determine which version you got, and which didn’t allow you to get everything no matter which version you chose.
I learned my lesson: DO NOT PREORDER!
I still bought Cyberpunk 2077 at release … also not too proud of that. Never trust a developer!
These days I only allow myself to preorder if there is a physical bonus for doing so, and if I’d be happy with the bonus on its own even if the game is disappointing.
I remember “preordering” NBA Jam for the SNES at a Target when I was 10 years old. My memory of this might be flawed, but what I remember was that the game was sold out everywhere when I was a kid, and they were taking names to reserve the game. I gave them my name, and when it came in, I went to the desk and picked it up. It was magic!
Other than that, I only occasionally will “preorder” something on Amazon so it shows up at my house on release day. I only do that with games I know I’m going to buy regardless of reviews, and I more consider that buying at launch than preordering.
Undertale for PS4 was the first one. The experience was fine, I got a theme, not too sure what you mean. The game is great!
The only other one I can think of was the new Theatrhythm to get all the bonus goodies.
Same. I preordered FFVII and then the next game I preordered was Wind Waker and that was because the bonus was OoT for GameCube. I don’t think I preordered a game again until BotW perhaps. But then I started preordering limited run indie games because I want the physical editions. When I was a teen and in my twenties I barely gave preorders a second thought.
At least in my area, it seems like preorders are the only real option for getting a physical game on launch day. There’s a strip mall near me with a Target, Best Buy and GameStop all next to each other, and generally a game I want will be at either one or none of them.
Good thing I don’t usually care about launch day releases! That’s a young person’s game.
There was a point where I was only preordering limited issue games and I was mostly ignoring anything available through retail. But I’ve noticed that it seems that some games are not being produced is the same quantities as games were a few years ago. A small handful of games I wanted to buy physical were no longer circulating less than a year after launch. So I’ve started buying some games at launch if I think there’s a chance I might not find it later. This is rare, however.
I also buy most Nintendo games at launch because they take ages to go on sale. I will usually play them within their launch year so I might as well pick them up right away because they are the same price at launch and at the end of the year. There have been exceptions. I didn’t buy Super Mario Odyssey at launch and got that on sale at Target. I also didn’t have a Switch when BotW was released so I bought it on sale later (although I did preorder my Wii U copy, lol).
I use to wait to better sales too.
I preorder Tales of Symphonia + Graces f for PS3, but it was launched just 20€, so there is no need to wait any sale.
Last year I preorder Trails from Zero, but the other games I bought at launch (next Trails, Made in Abyss game and Somnium Files 2) I just bought them when they were launched. Three games in two years, and it was my personal record!
I had a heck of a time trying to remember, because the last one I vividly remember preordering was Super Smash Bros. Brawl. But I think I must have preordered Wind Waker because I got it with that Ocarina of Time Master Quest disc. Nowadays I preorder with any game that I absolutely need to have on day 1.