Walking Challenge

Let’s gamify a walking challenge and see if we can trick ourselves to leave our battlestations to get those steps in.

The rules are simple:

  • For every walk, you’ll earn 100 EXP. Completing objectives grants an additional 25 EXP. Objectives can be repeated as many times as you like but will only count once per walk.

  • Remember to turn in your objectives! Feel free to describe what you saw, what you listened to, or what you thought about during your adventure. Share your stats (stepcount) and strategy to defeat the final boss (gamer bod).

  • When you’ve been hit with a debuff and fall off the bandwagon, your party is here to help! There’s no FOMO or deleveling if you miss a day (or three).

Since it’s Halloween season, I tried to theme up some of these objectives. I am open to suggestions so if you have any ideas, please share!

Spooky Objectives

  • Listen to a (horror) podcast or OST
  • Visit a graveyard
  • Take a walk around a haunted area or a location with a macabre past
  • Take a photo of fall foliage / nature
  • Visit a farm
  • Locate decorated houses, businesses or festivals
  • Spot a black cat, crow, raven, or bat
  • Equip a costume or gothic clothing
  • Walk while it’s rainy or foggy
  • Walk at dusk or at night
  • Step on a crunchy leaf or spot a giant leaf pile
  • Attend a local festival or event

Quest Log
I took a walk as soon as I got home from work. The weather has been pleasantly cool and today was cloudy due to the rain that’s supposed to start in the next few minutes. I didn’t have anything spooky to listen to prepped so I listened to Black Sabbath’s 13 album which seemed spooky enough.
I did one loop around my complex which took about 10 minutes. An abysmally small walk that reminded me how out of shape I am.

I managed to spy some Halloween decorations which was a pleasant surprise.

Experience Gained:
+100 EXP for walking
+25 EXP for Black Sabbath
+25 EXP for Halloween decorations

150 EXP


Quest Log
I only saw this after getting home from a walk but imma count it anyway. Went for a small walk in the park nearby with my partner to see if we could get the routes mechanic in Pokemon Go to work, so maybe that’s cheating but idk. We did get it to work, but the route we picked kinda sucked, since it led all the way around the park without really going through it at all. Did spot some Halloween decor, and had I been listening to music, it likely would have fit the requirements but alas. I think total walk was something like 20 minutes?

Experience Gained:
+100 EXP for walking
+25 EXP for Halloween stuffs

125 EXP


Thanks for joining! I added a few more objectives today as well. I’m trying to come up with a levelling system but not sure about the specifics yet.

Maybe I’ll try to walk for 20 minutes today too. I made it through one (lengthy) Black Sabbath song yesterday and barely started another before I was back home. And unless I pick a different route, I don’t think I’ll be able to nab another objective unless it’s still raining when I get home.

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I really like your idea. I don-t go much on walks mostly because I cycle everywhere and I assume that enough lol. I was also looking at the objectives and they seem quite fun. If I could do a gentle suggestion, could it be possible to have some that are not geographically locked/alternative options? For instance, the fall-related ones can’t be completed in the southern hemisphere of the world.


Of course! I tried to update the prompts to be more generic or less regional specific. If you have further suggestions to make them more inclusive, let me know!

EDIT: also if you’re biking or doing some other form of exercise, you can count those. I might re-edit things later to make things more inclusive of other forms of activity, or maybe we can focus on different activities on different months? I don’t know. I’m just wingin’ it here.


Quest Log
I was already making up excuses on my way home to avoid exercise (bad mental health day, tired, etc.) so I started my walk as soon as I got home so I couldn’t opt out.
It was very cloudy and sprinkling. I tried to get a worm out of the parking lot but as soon as I touched him, he started spazzin’ so I let him be.
I was curious if I put my music on shuffle if it would come across spooky music but unless you’re afraid of Cascada, no dice.
Also I managed to walk for about 20 minutes and oh boy, that might be my limit for now. I barely made it up the stairs back into my apartment. :joy:

Experience Gained:
+100 EXP for walking
+25 EXP for rainy weather

150 + 125 = 275 EXP

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