Unable To Remove Time Played


I am having an issue after importing my library from Steam.

I left the checkbox to “also import hours played”. After realizing this mistake, I attempted to remove the time played from the games, however I get an error stating that at least one field needs to be not empty. Once running into that, I decided to remove the game completly from my library and re-add it. However when I re-added it, it still had the same amount of time played and I can’t seem to get rid of it.

Am I missing something, or is this a limitation on the user-end of the site? If the latter, I’d like to request all “Time Played” be wiped from my entire collection.


I’m looking into this. I will get back to you.

Apologies for the bother, but any update on this?

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OK, I feel like an asshole for not answering this.

You can get rid of a playthrough in two different places. The first place is the game’s page. Go to the My Playthrough Dates, and click the Delete link next to any of the hours you don’t want for a specific game.
Two, you can go to the Playthroughs tab on your profile, and delete them from there using the Delete link.

All that being said, I can go and delete your playthroughs from the database all at once if that’s too much of a pain. I see about 18 time entries right now.

Let me know if that’s not what you’re looking for.

Heyo! No worries on not getting around sooner. I’m 9 days late in responding myself hah. Anyway, the first option worked fine for me so I’m good to go. Thanks a lot!