"Tell Me What To Play" feature has not been working properly

When I click the button I get a browser popup saying my list in empty/I don’t have any games on this shelf even though it worked before and I tried it on different shelves. I even tried it on a different browser and I’m still not able to get the button to work. Any help?


Same here, just made a post myself, here is me error message:
“Empty: you don’t have any games on this shelf you goof!”

I’ve tried several solutions, none of them worked:
#01 - Private mode on Google Chrome;
#02 - Private mode on Microsoft Edge;
#03 - Create a new account, same issue;
#04 - Android Chrome browser on my phone;
#05 - Private Android Chrome browser on my phone;

Maybe this is a temporary issue like most of the ones this website has, lets hope so, I use this feature a lot it was the main reason I choose Grouvee over other backlog similar websites.

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I will look into this tonight. I’m sure it has something to do with what I did for the new shelf page updates. I’m sure it’s an easy fix.

Sorry everyone! I’ll update here when I figure it out.


Yeah, hasn’t worked for me for the past two days. Was gonna make a forum post myself, but saw this one and figured I’d just follow it for updates. My indecisive brain almost had a meltdown when the feature stopped working.

Hope it’s a simple fix!


Thank you for the fast reply, I had faith this thing was not a seriously thing since every little bug I had soo far on this website was solved very fast, again I thank you for your reply, this website is awesome. I love it, keep up the good work!

I guess people have already replied but yes that’s exactly that! I was wondering if it was just me but I was also wondering why it hadn’t been posted about already…!

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Oh that’s cool thanks so much!

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FYI, this is all fixed up now!!

Let me know if you see anything funky with it. Thanks for letting me know!


Damn, right on time, it is all good now, thank you very much for your good work! I just finished another game and was going to use this feature now. Thanks again!

It works!! So glad… thanks so much for your help…!

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