"Tell Me What To Play" buttom not working at all

I just finished CrossCode and was going to install my next game, and when I do this I usually ask Grouvee what should I play next, using the “Tell me What to Play” buttom, but then this happened.
“Empty: you don’t have any games on this shelf you goof!”

I’ve tried several solutions, none of them worked:
#01 - Private mode on Google Chrome;
#02 - Private mode on Microsoft Edge;
#03 - Create a new account, same issue;
#04 - Android Chrome browser on my phone;
#05 - Private Android Chrome browser on my phone;

Maybe this is a temporary issue like most of the ones this website has, lets hope so, I use this feature a lot it was the main reason I choose Grouvee over other backlog similar websites.

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Support just fixed it guys, it is all good now

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