Talk Pokemon With Me

Yeah it’d be super cool to get 'em all. I have a little section in the back of my binder for them and I think I’m probably hovering around 10 ish currently, just from what I have leftover from way back in like… middle school, probably.

As for the Mew, I’m a bit picky for my living dex. I don’t want to include any ‘ex’, ‘V’, ‘V Star’, etc cards in there, just regular pokemon. And that’s frustrating with many of the recent sets because much of the great art goes to those special cards. I really love the trainer gallery sets though because those fit my criteria, and I ended up buying the Trainer Gallery Mew from one of the recent sets because I think it’s really pretty and was surprisingly cheap because it’s not very old. It was this one, if you’re interested:



I ended up picking up the “Pokémon TCG Battle Academy” set today as my wife is open to giving the game a go. It’s got three decks (two of which are centred around Pikachu and Eevee which is cool) and all the various bits and bobs to get started for a very reasonable price, so I figured it could be a good entry back into the game.

I’m intending to pick up at least a few booster packs of the Scarlet and Violet 151 set, though that’s more driven by wanting to collect some cool art than necessarily playing the game.

I also dug out the handful of promo cards I still have from when I was a kid, I have a Japanese Neo Genesis binder with some real cool reverse holos (and Unowns!), a Birthday Pikachu, and an Ancient Mew. Glad I still have them, was a nice nostalgia hit.

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Been a while. Still buying Pokemon stuff. Here’s some new stuff for anyone interested in what I got most recently.

Anyway. Been playing the Sword DLC and it’s been…very underwhelming, which stinks cause Sword is easily the best of Gen 9.


Eelektrik is just a good little fish boi. Ive used it a lot… it can learn a weird amount of moves from tm’s. Stuff like fireblast. Old mvp for me though.

I havent played any pokemon since finishing scarlet, but i thought about picking up the dlc. Not sure if its worthwhile though. I have tried a few knock offs though, like cassette beasts. Need to finish that one too.

Good to see you still collexting and enjoying the hobby.

I LOVE that lil fish, man. Such a great design, and honestly a pretty powerful little dude to boot. Just had to have a good card of him.

I’m reaching the end (?) of Scarlet, I presume, cause I’m coming up on the last 2 gyms and the last titan and star base, but I’m assuming there’s more after that outside of the DLC. I’ll eventually get to the DLC too, I just wish Nintendo DLC wasn’t half the price of a base game. Pretty annoying. I’m only managing to play the Sword DLC because someone bought it for me.

Yeah Pokemon is honestly the only bright light I have in the world these days…which now that I’ve said that out loud is incredibly depressing but what else is new coming from me.

Youre coming up on the end of scarlet. Theres a pretty big chunk of end game as well though that ties everything up nicely. And theres a bit of post game, which is worth a go

I got some neat pulls from my first batch of the new TCG set!


@ BurningKirby you have really nice pulls. I normally like pretending to get pulls on this website.

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Oh huh that is a pretty neat site! Definitely better for saving money while scratching that itch probably lol. I just like putting my favs in a binder though so it wouldn’t be the same for me.

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Actually gonna amend what I said before to say that this site is very good for simulating old packs that are impossible to buy for a reasonable price anymore. I opened some from the Emerald and Legend Maker sets, which were ones I grew up with, and that gave me a nice dose of nostalgia, haha.

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It’s necropost time!

The new TCG set came out today so I went and opened some packs since it’s been a while. I honestly got really lucky I think, because I had some great pulls. Here are pics of my favorites!

And finally, the one that is by far my favorite. I actually gasped when I saw it.

I’ve been a huge Gardevoir fan for a long time so pulling this card is kind of mind blowing lmao. I usually put my ex/V/Mega/etc. cards in a binder together but I honestly kind of want to keep this in something that’ll protect it a little more than that because it’s sooooo pretty.


Nice cards! I was wondering how long you have been collecting for

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I guess that depends. I’ve technically been collecting Pokemon cards since early elementary school I think, but there was a big gap between when I stopped trading with friends and when I started buying packs again because I had disposable income. I think I stopped around the time Black/White released and then got back into it a little after Sword/Shield came out because I wanted to scratch my Pokemon itch without supporting those games.

So probably started collecting around 18-19 years ago, but it was about 3 years ago I got back into it seriously.

The Crystal Guardians set holds a special place for me because it was the first I got a starter deck from!

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Some recent gets. The Paras might be my favorite of this grouping.

Anyway, got a lot more stuff but these are my current favorites. I have a few others to upload tonight though, so yeah.


Excellent cards. I love this forum topic it reminds me a little of my side hobby of looking at other people’s pulls on instagram!

I’m personally a big fan of the V style cards, because it puts the Pokemon front and center. That isn’t to say that other cards don’t, because standard cards can also be amazing - that Paras for example is pretty standard outside of being a holo - but I just love how in your face the V cards are.

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V cards remind me of some of the full arts from Cardfight Vanguard, another cardgame i play fairly often. Its got a lot of cool art designs and a bunch of variety but they also tend to do the very big upfront characters and some do gold letter stamping and several layers of glittery sparkles and such. On the downside it often gets made fun of for certain factions fanservicey tendencies which is a shame cause it really is a fantastic card game mechanically. But like, its cool cause if you wanna play robot dinosaurs, or ninja animals or dragons with guns or nurse angels or pirate zombies or whatever else they exist in it.

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I’ve actually heard about this and it sounds and looks amazing lmao I wanna get into it! It’s a shame it isn’t more well received. But yeah I personally love that style of visuals on the cards. In fact, at some point I’ll likely pull my V’s out of this binder and get an entirely separate binder just for V Cards, replacing them in the first binder with standard versions.

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While a bit off the topic of pokemon, if youd like i can snap some pictures of some of my favorites later, just for funzies.


So the other day I was poking around ebay and found a really nice listing for my grail card, as well as two others I’ve wanted probably like since I started collecting as a kid. I couldn’t pass them up and they arrived today!

I’ve always been in love with the artwork on this Charizard card, it’s so clean. And Blastoise and Venusaur looking great too is the cherry on top. I’ll probably hold off on buying any more tcg stuff for a little while since these were a bit pricey but it feels great to finally have them!