Super Grouveecast Main Thread

This feels like an evolution for Hawchula in disguise lol

Nahhh. We donā€™t want to associate with crypto scammers.

I 100% agree that our voices and vocal mannerisms are all performative. I have changed my laugh several times and it always starts at first with a ton of effort and then becomes effortlessly natural. Iā€™m actually considering changing it again because it hurts my ears sometimes hahaha. My talking voice is a whole other story. The easiest voice is a soft high pitched one but I donā€™t like how childlike it sounds and how it makes me feel so I try to use a lower voice because that sounds/feels more like ā€œme.ā€

Vocal training is not just a thing for singers but also for actors, trans presenting, and language learners. Iā€™ve considered taking vocal training just to sound closer to me without having to fight so much with it.

Everyone has their preference with what they can or cannot stand or what they find obnoxious but if Ureshi decides to do a valley girl accent for an entire episode, Iā€™m all for it lmao.

This comment is very messy cause Iā€™m sleep deprived and tired of editing it. :sob:


Petercoin is gonna take off.


I remember vocal fry coming up in podcasts a few years ago and being a whole thing. I think I never will understand people who can get so upset about something that seems so unimportant. I just donā€™t see the point of policing every single little aspects of other peopleā€™s lives.

Also, watching that video and listening to the more subtle examples of vocal fry. I think I might use it at the end of sentences! I need to pay more attention.


Fuck, Iā€™m watching an unrelated video and now noticing that one of the hosts has very strong vocal fry! :rofl:


Just back to the podcast itself, it was mentioned that itā€™s weird that there is a Sonic racing game where people arenā€™t running.

Actually, I think youā€™ll find that itā€™s because Sonic is a good sport and knows if it was simply running then heā€™d simply beat everyone, so he agreed to drive to make things fair. :face_with_monocle:

(I hope the emoji indicates that this is a joke and Iā€™m just posting this as a satire of those ā€œwell, actuallyā€¦ā€ posts people do :sweat_smile:)


So some actual feedback; while I did enjoy the ep, I think it could be a bit tighter in format and discussion. While tangents are obviously fine and can lead to good discussions, I think in this ep it could have been pulled back a little. Perhaps also keep each ā€œsectionā€ to a specific timeframe as this will help keep stuff in check.

Iā€™d also recommend considering where in the podcast you discuss stuff. For example, I know the Game Awards was the main thrust of the episode, but I think it would have been better to have the ā€œgames we likeā€ kind of section first, and then go into the Games Award section as the former would have given context to the choices various people made and given the audience a bit of an idea where youā€™re coming from.

Finally, Iā€™d suggest trying to keep each ep to an hour long tops. From when I used to do a podcast many years ago, we found that between 30 min to an hour was pretty much the time that people listen before they get bored/ have to get back to work/ train trip ends etc.

So just some constructive feedback. Feel free to take it or leave it as you will.

P.S. If youā€™d like episode art, Iā€™m happy to put my hand up.


Most of this is stuff weve already been discussing, but we do appreciate the feedback.

Timing sections is our current biggest focus, we have pinpointed that its one area we struggle in right now. We are working on that.

We are thinking that episodes that have things like the Game awards or Nintendo directs etc will probably just be about those and will drop the other segments on those weeks, at least tentatively.

Our episode goal is an hour to an hour and a half max. We did some other records beforehand and they usually ended up right around an hour and 15 min, and flowed pretty well without becoming boring. We feel like thats our sweet spot.

At minimum we would enjoy some art for the main website. Im not sure specific episode art is needed as we are doing weekly eps, and that might put a lot of stress on someone. But if you want to shoot us some stuff we can discuss it


And nobody has had any issues with the recording software at all causing like 6 hours of delay. :eyes:


Listening right now and really liking it. Laughing a lot.

I really love to finally hear your voices. :face_holding_back_tears:


You wonā€™t believe what I said that they cut out!


Just want to say well done all. A great first podcast. I wonā€™t critique, that would be unfair. You will all gel and find your rhythm. Any nerves will pass and the podcast will only get better :slight_smile:


At minimum we would enjoy some art for the main website. Im not sure specific episode art is needed as we are doing weekly eps, and that might put a lot of stress on someone. But if you want to shoot us some stuff we can discuss it

What kind of thing are you looking for? Not sure if it helps, but you can see some of my work here.


We would have to talk over it. Im not sure myself and i dont know what the others would want to see. Peter may also have some say since its tied to his website.

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Minutes in and Nintendo is mentionedā€¦ this podcast is secretly sponsored! I knew it, you heard it here first! This podcast does what Nintendo doesnā€™t! :grin:

Also talk about why the podcast is called ā€œSuperā€, hah, and seconds later the real reason comes out: Itā€™s about getting superpowers on Grouvee! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::clap:

I completely forgot who won the Game Awards - I blacked out on all the categories except that Wukong didnā€™t win, which stuck because of the aftermath on the internet.

It would be fun to have a fake sponsor for each episode. Like for ā€œGamer Carrots - boosts eyesight for hardcore precision gaming!ā€ I mean, a podcast is only really ā€œsuperā€ when it is sponsored, right?

Haha, who would have thought it would be hard to find Grouveeā€™s 5 officially most anticipated games. Thatā€™s Grouvee in a nutshell - so many different views on games and gaming - just the way it should be! And you are all completely wrong, because ā€¦ ā€¦ starts rambling without end

Great to see you guys have such a great chemistry together, I am really enjoying this!

Waitā€¦ this villainous laughter from all of youā€¦ I thought you were all the good guys! :thinking:

Looking forward to the next episode and at least another 50! Thank you all for doing this, it made my day! :heart:


Minutes in and Nintendo is mentionedā€¦

I almost stopped listening there and then.



Minutes in and Nintendo is mentionedā€¦

Copyright strike incomingā€¦


You need a theme song, eh?!?

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Yessum, preferably an intro and outro, and maybe like a 5-10 second segment break. Nothing too crazy complex or long.

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