Honestly, I can’t believe they are still making them.
Future episode discussion suggestion; what is the greatest game ever made and why is it the original Deus Ex?
Please check out @georgeypoorgey’s status for more information on the current state of the podcast. Thank you everyone for listening to our silly ramblings and discussing all things video games (and Shrek and carrots) with us.
Whow! What happened?
Ureshi wanted to retire from the podcast and so we’re trying to decide if we want to continue the podcast as it is or try something else as a creative outlet. Such as doing more group activities or maybe adding a video element to the podcast. We’re really not sure as we haven’t had much time to discuss how we’re moving forward. But any feedback or ideas for what y’all wanna see or do is much appreciated.
I think a more streamlined, shorter podcast would be good. I’m also interested in seeing what the community ideas might be.
Oh, that’s a shame!
I agree that maybe a shorter podcast without a lot of preparation might be neat and more sustainable maybe? I liked hearing people from the community just chat about stuff, kind of like a Grovee feed in my ears!
For community ideas, it could be things like trivia events, multiplayer game nights, D&D. Those are the ideas that come to mind immediately.
We could all jump into Discord voice chat and you could eavesdrop
Record it and publish it via RSS so I can listen it when I want and your on
Counter proposal: a 24h live realtime stream of consciousness conversation that you can tune in to at anytime to take in a portion of the dialogue. A Grouvee live experiment in discourse/performance/duration!
I’ll be on the whole time - sleep deprived and rambling about Kiddy Kong
Seriously though, maybe that’s something that could be done; have like little podcast eps where a community member discusses a series/game/character/company/whatever they are passionate about?
@Roach and I both expressed a desire to keep doing the podcast in some way. definitely won’t have something up this Sunday. Ureshi was handling a lot of the show.
Technically we record on the weekends and post on Wednesdays…but I think we’ll probably end up taking this week off to figure things out, especially with the trivia event taking a slot this weekend.
I’m working on getting the feed back from Simplecast. I guess it’s not that big of a deal if a new thing has to get created, but it would be nice to have the same feed for whatever @georgeypoorgey and @Roach decide to do and have the old episodes up for posterity. Ureshi has told me that it’s OK to repost/keep the old ones up.
The Simplecast feed is alive again. The 10th episode is also live! Go download now! Partner murder questions abound!