[Suggestion] Top 250 Games

Hello there fellow Grouvee users.

Today i was “Again…duh” looking at the top 250 games, i dont really care for Top games lists except i treat them as a recommendation list based on gamers opinion.

However one thing that annoyed me during browsing the list was that it is a mess. Yes, a mess in the sense of its not properly put together.

The existence of DLC among full titles gave the list a messy look, I suggest you separate the DLC titles from the full games titles, that way the list is more functional and more accurate and it will also be much more pleasant to browse through.

Anybody agree with me?

Actually the problem is different. In the database there is no “DLC” category (to make such a script work) - it doesn’t fit in the “genre” or “platform” option.

I see, any chance for possible fix/update later maybe?

There is a DLC category for games now, although the data is fairly incomplete because it’s not very complete from Giant Bomb.

I agree that non standalone DLC should be taken out of the list. I saw maybe 5 or 6 in the list that probably should be taken out. The problem I run into is that Giant Bomb doesn’t have them separated correctly according to their rules a lot of times. I actually just fixed up the 2 big Civ V DLCs that were listed as separate game entries even though they should be marked as DLC. That’s still the way Giant Bomb has them.

I will change the script to remove games that are marked as non standalone DLC.

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Thank you for taking time to work on this, great job, good luck :slight_smile: