Suggestion: Introduce half stars for ratings

If you’re talking about a 10-star scale, I personally don’t like those scales at all because like @Pegbiter said, it’s hard to mentally distinguish between a 6 to 7 rating (or 3-4, 4-5, etc. etc.) Half-stars implemented in the current 5-star system would allow it to still maintain it’s simplicity while letting us be more precise with our ratings.


I just joined yesterday & rated all the games I’ve completed, and I had that same thought over and over again - my ratings just don’t feel accurate with only 5 stars. I’m used to wrapping my brain around a 10-scale from being an imbd user, but I would have no problem if it were implemented as half stars instead.


I would like to see 10 points or half stars also. I find it hard to rate games accurately with only 5 grades to choose from.


I’m looking forward to this too.

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I know this topic is years old, but I definitely feel like having just that slight added nuance to half star ratings could really help me distinguish between games I recognize are very well crafted vs games that have made a severe impact on my life and personality. It’s not a tremendous gripe, but moving from Letterboxd made this feel like a step down.

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I couldn’t agree more with everything mentioned. 5 star system is in my opinion better than 10 star system, but half stars would improve it greatly, as some games tend to be not as good as 4’s, but not as average as 3… Actually, most games tend to fit into that middle category.

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Wow, a year since the last reply and several years since it started?

Anyways, I just joined and already I’m feeling the same way - I’d really love to see those half-stars.

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I honestly prefer it the way it is. The descriptions of the ratings really cover all the ground you need. Breaking it up into even further subtleties and nuances (“I really really loved it” “I liked it a lot but not that much”) just seems unnecessarily convoluted to me. The current system appeals way more to my gut than a 10-point system.


Why not both? Keep the stars as it is and have a space next to it where you can rate a game with any two digits. That way you have both the simple system and allow people to be more specific.

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I can’t remember if it was you that suggested this, but I am going to make a gold feature that allows people to have a custom rating scale that is private to them (it can still be displayed publicly, just no averaging of a site rating or anything). I hope that’s a decent enough compromise for anyone that wants it.


Finally. I have all my scores be out of 14. AS THEY SHOULD BE.


‘gold feature’ - so average users still won’t get it in any form, then.

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It will be behind a paywall, yes. I plan on letting people buy gold 1 month at a time for $2 here very soon as well. Any custom ratings you’ve given to a game will never go away, even if you don’t keep buying gold, you just wouldn’t be able to make new ones.

All that being said, when I put the feature out, if you can’t do gold for whatever reason, just message me and I’ll take care of you so you can at least try it out.


Whenever I’ve used a 10/10 scale rating, I’ve found the vast majority end up in that 7-10 rating area and I hardly use the lower numbers. The 5 star system works better IMO.


Was this ever implemented Peter? I’d really love this option and would grab that gold if it was a feature like you suggested.

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RIP this option ever from being implemented it seems. : p
Honestly the whole argument against nuance saying that it convolutes things, can be ruled out with the simple fact that if you think that’s the case, then you don’t have to use half-stars yourself. If a 5-point scale works for you, then hey, a 5-point scale still exists in a 10-point scale (i.e. what a by-half-star 5-point system would be – idg why people are saying that’s not a 10-point system, because it literally is lol)

Anyway, just chiming in to agree with the OP. That middle ground would be really nice, but I at least hope that this custom rating @peter has mentioned is implemented some time soon. I only use ratings as a shorthand way to keep track of my overall personal experience with games. So the more nuance, the better (especially from literally only 5 options for hundreds of games – a 4/5 game can feel very noticeably different than a different 4/5, and I’d like to be able to distinguish that with at least a 3.5 or 4.5) ----- and again, if others can’t relate to that need for nuance, then they can still use whole star ratings – at least the option would be there.


Kind of :slight_smile: I started to implement this, and it was just a UI nightmare. It’s definitely on the back burner.

Here’s what thought process goes through my head every time I see one of these threads about 1/2 stars. I seriously consider allowing the option of half stars. I think about how I would do it if I did decide to do it. The best way I think I would do it is just round everyone’s score down for the purposes of averages and top games, but then let people have their half star display on their review/rating’s pages. I’d still end up storing 2 different scores in the database.

My big thing I always come back to is what is the purpose of rating a game? I use it as a way to gather games I find of similar quality (for lack of a better word). I’ve always felt like people could use ordered shelves to signal which game they enjoyed more or less. Then I just end up not implementing it. I understand that’s not what everyone wants though.

Maybe half stars is the thing that is holding thousands of people back from using Grouvee. I don’t know. I am seriously considering it again though. I’ve thought about putting up a poll, but I don’t think that’s the best way of getting the feel from everyone. I guess as long as it’s a checkbox option, it shouldn’t really matter.


Really hope this gets implemented, I’ve been having a hard time deciding which site to use for rating/listing games and the limited 5 star system is the only thing holding me back from thinking this is the perfect site.

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I think your idea of implementing half stars for individual users but rounding down is a fine compromise Peter, since I want stars for myself. Yes we can rank game, but I like being able to score my games, put them into lists and categories, then go to those lists and order by my score. The half star system would just break up the hundreds of games I’ve given fours and allow for that same nuance that @trayson was referencing above. But in the scheme of things, obviously a low priority, and just something I and some others obviously just personally want.


It’s been over a year, so I’m just bumping this to say I still want this every day I use this site lol.