
This is the discussion/completion topic for Riven. Please keep any spoilers blurred!


If you’ve completed the game, let us know below and an admin or moderator will make sure you get your badge!

This badge has no title! Please help us out by giving suggestions! The title can’t be something generic like "Hero’ as it could apply to many games. Make sure it relates to the game somehow, but doesn’t spoil it!

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I still remember the first time I picked up Riven. I even remember the store. I’ll definitely take this badge.


I have this badge and the Night in the Woods one, but I never completed these games and I never requested these badges. Can I have them removed please?

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Hmm, I see that it’s only showing them on the main site. I’ll have to see what’s wrong with my API call. I’ll figure it out!


Riven is one of my favorite games ever. Completed multiple times. Would love a badge!


Completed, would love a badge!


Riven is one of my favorite games. Myst in general was a heavily influential series for me, both in terms of my game tastes and in terms of the friends I made playing it with people. My first website was a Myst fansite.

I played Riven on our church’s office computer during pot luck dinners because my computer at home didn’t have Windows 95.

Badge, please. :slight_smile:


Alright game a seven out of 10. Badge me!

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