Parenting and Gaming

Grouvee people. I am going to become a dad for the first time in the spring.

I’m interested to hear others experience of juggling parenting and still keep up with the gaming hobby! I play everyday at the moment, usually for around an hour or two in the evening.

Naturally, I assume you had less time for everything once the little ankle biter came along, but did you change what you play (shorter, pick up and play games rather then big epics) and how you play?

Any gamer parent tips?

Thanks in advance!


Congratulation! I sadly don’t have any parenting advice, but I think there are plenty of parents here that can and will.

I’ve heard finding one handed games that you like can be a boon. Griffin McElroy described, on an episode of the Besties, playing a lot of games with one hand on when his child was born in hen he was holding him in his other arm, rocking him to sleep.


lool i was just going to post this! I have two friends who mentioned the same thing. Guess it’s real.

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