Movies and TV, Anyone?

Although my partner is more of a The Royal Tanebaums person, I will forever hold the belief that Rushmore is Anderson’s finest work.


Sonic is culture. Never forget that.


Please survive Hellobion.


Anderson is one of the few artists whose entire oeuvre is understandable as someone’s favorite Wes Anderson work. He makes movies in a genre all their own and every movie he puts out is a very good Wes Anderson movie.

My personal favorite is Steve Zissou which makes sense as I have a thing for boats and Bowie, I guess. I have seen all of his films and enjoyed them all.


He felt on top of the world after Grand Budapest. He’s kinda fallen out of the zeitgeist in that last decade, but I still really like everything he puts out.


I’d say he’s a bit of a pastiche artist who borrows liberally from directors such as Renoir, Ashby, Godard, Cassavetes, etc., while adding his own perspective which is all perfectly wonderful and his films are largely very enjoyable (less so those predominantly written by Roman Coppola, which tend to be Anderson’s weaker entries).

Anyway my comment wasn’t a critique of your choices nor his later films, which are lovely, I just really love Rushmore.


How could Coppola live up to chad writers Owen Wilson and Noah Baumbach?

I missed Owen Wilson’s recent painting celebrity movie, and the trailers didn’t inspire confidence, but I like his work with Anderson enough that I will probably watch it at some point.


The fact that all three are nepo-babies equalizes them, no? And is anyone more chad than a Coppola? Also, have you seen CQ? Great trailer, awful movie. Roman’s deep desire to be some sort of cross between Truffaut and Vadim really led him astray. Oh, to be a nepo-baby with opportunities thrown at your feet, only to be a sad, pale imitation of all your daddy’s heroes.

But joking aside I think films like Moonrise Kingdom, The Darjeeling Limited and Isle of Dogs are some of Anderson’s weaker films because they feel both less earnest and far more constructed than most of the films not written by Roman. Roman’s just too much of a try-hard :joy:


It’s a Nepo world. We just live in it.

No. I agree with your assessment of Roman’s input so I’ve never seeked out his non-Wes Anderson stuff.

I do think that Anderson’s style (aesthetics, conversation, directing) carry even his lesser works. Moonrise Kingdom is probably my least favorite of his works, but I also enjoy that film.


I survived the show it was alright. Just crazy how they changed the “lore” to fit there own plot.

It was kind of a slow day here so I watched another free movie on the YouTube; it was Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. It was…interesting…

–I’d never seen this one before, though I saw some of the show years ago. I wonder if they’d be in the same continuity; if he’d have his friends Chairy, Randy, etc.

– Teamin’ up with Mr. T cereal ! It’s gettin’ on the team, the team that knows how cool breakfast can be

– I’d think this Pee Wee Herman fellow would be sort of a love him or hate him kind of character. And he wears a suit. Wait, was he…was he the original SpongeBob…

– Dottie, you can do better than PWH. He will never love you as much as he loves his Bike

– Oh ! I thought that was going to be a Chekhov’s Boomerang Bow Tie

– I wondered this while watching the show a while back; I wonder if he has a job or anything ? He just plays and wears a suit all day and is sometimes a little childish with other people; maybe he’s a rich guy. Maybe one of his [infinite?!] wishes to Jambi was to be financially secure, which is certainly practical

– The ending is similar to Disney’s Chicken Little

– Oh, Pee Wee Herman…Danny Elfman…evil clowns…this must’ve been the original Batman


I started watching Pokemon Horizons (the new Ash-free Pokemon series) and it’s… good? Considering my twenty plus year relationship with the franchise, I figured I would have a stronger reaction to the new series, but I enjoy watching it with my kids. It pushes more into the fantasy realm than previous Pokemon series (it takes place on a rebel air ship) while also embracing modernity (one of the characters is a Youtuber). The art is nice while the animation is pretty choppy. The characters are more complex than the old Pokemon series while the plot is less discernable.

Is it better than old Pokemon? Hard to say, but watching Horizons reminds me how conflict averse the franchise is.

The characters change in tiny ways which is appreciated, but the credits do not roll on their anger. Every problem is solved within the episode it is introduced. The two main characters could have some nice tension, but God forbid they hold any grudges against one another beyond the 22 minute mark. The Charlie Brown specials are edgy by comparison.

I like Pokemon, but everything that would cause this adult viewer to lean forward is absent. Oh well Pokemon Concierge is on the way.

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No love for Large Marge?


I didn’t like that they [spoilered] her, a strong female character


In some ways, she lives forever.

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Just came back from watching Dune part 2. It is an enjoyable movie, although I’m not sure I am a fan of some of the creative liberties taken by the writers/directors/whoever


On principle (i.e. you don’t like when adaptations diverge from the source text) or in this specific context (i.e., you dislike the specific choices Villeneuve made in adjusting elements for this installment)?

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Need to see that movie.

Different media types have different needs so it’s quite needed at some point to not transcribe everything 100%. There’s no way, for instance, to have a movie of LOTR with 15 minutes travelling on a boat through the Anduin just because Tolkien decided to write 10 pages about every single tree on it. Fight club and the replication of every single tone and word does it very well 95% of the book (until the movie decides to go fully wacko at the final scene), but that’s because the book itself is written as something that can be easily adapted without that much loss. In this particular case, I’m a bit against some of the particular decisions taken by Villeneuve, like the role change to Chani that seemed just mean and, while I have some theories about why it was made that way, I still think the message that villeneuve wanted to give with these changes could have been done in a different way, without taikng away agency from her and from Paul, who kind of looks like drifting along the tides of whatever plan is happening in the background rather than an active protagonist, at least in the first half of it.

It is still pretty epic though. Some scenes are even too much, and I loved the way of setting up tension with fucking bass rather than silences, felt like watching someone play doom.


The trailer for the new The Crow movie looks like it was made by an emo kid who completely missed the point of the original graphic novel/ film and thinks the epitome of “deep” is wearing black nail varnish.