Movies and TV, Anyone?

I actually started that one!!! Since I’m sharing CR with my son, I wanted something else to listen to on my own. It is a little too much on the humorous side than what I’m looking for. That kind of threw me out of my suspension of disbelief. I switched to Dragonlance: Echoes of Krynn. I haven’t gone very far with either one so I may end up continuing with both.


I’ve seen Fantasy High, Dungeons and Drag Queens, Escape From the Bloodkeep, and we’re a few episodes into Unsleeping City, but I really like the comedy, and there are some awesome and/or poignant moments, too. Brennan LM is also just a really good DM. This may be wrong, but Matt Mercer also bugs me, like my read on him is that he’s too self-serious and also seems to gravitate towards OP OCs.

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I do admit that he’s my least favorite part of Critical Role. I also feel like he’s too harsh on the players and sometimes inconsistent in how enforces rules so long as it disadvantages them. He really shouldn’t be ‘the’ star but let the players do their thing.

Still, as someone who is mostly a DM, I appreciate how deftly he handles their choices while maintaining his story.


Mercer has a performative style that just doesn’t work for me. For example, he shows up in BG3 and I immediately knw it was him and also didn’t think he quite nailed the performance of his character. I think his fans probably loved it, but I find he takes me out of the story.


He also plays two ‘playable’ characters in Deadfire, which I just started now that I’ve finished BG3. It’s weird hearing his voice twice for two of my party members.


My experience was with Mercer is minimal, but I do think he makes a good JoJo.


I don’t enjoy the English dub, so I prefer Daisuke Ono. I think that part of my problem with Mercer, he performs in that quintessential English anime dub style that I don’t enjoy. But I get that other people like that performance style and I would understand that he probably works for them.


I really loved A Court of Fey and Flowers, and am digging Worlds Beyond Number, but somehow haven’t watched any other Dimension 20 stuff. Which season’s been your favorite so far?


I always get a kick out of chatting with non-movie people. A coworker just told me his favorite movie is “Silence the Sheep with Judy Foster and John Hopkins”.


So far, Fantasy High, but I haven’t seen many. I thought Amy Vorpahl was funny in Escape from Bloodkeep.


This looks amazing


I watched Orion and the Dark with my children. It’s a cheap looking, flatly directed Netflix animated film that is written by, perhaps my favorite screenwriter, Charlie Kaufman. What results is a movie that is one part Inside Out, one part Princess Bride, one part child therapy session with neither the talent nor budget to execute any of those ideas. But the movie did hold my interest throughout and my kids liked it and there is a nice lesson about pushing through your fear with the people you love. Worth a watch if you’re trying to watch something that isn’t Encanto or the Super Mario Bros movie for the N-teenth time.


audiobook which is great to listen too while driving and also i really enjoyed the film. It is the perfect transitionional movie from TNG tv show era


Surprised this hasn’t been posted yet

As awesome as this looks - and it really does look awesome - I must admit it saddens me that people are calling this the “saviour of the MCU.” I don’t know WTF people want, but I honestly can not say I’ve felt any of the post Endgame films have been bad. Sure, some are better than others and each has it’s problems to varying degrees, but to hear the way people are carrying on you’d think they’d been forced to watch Maid in Manhattan a dozen times over. Can’t movies just be fun anymore?

Sigh. Sorry, this is just some venting from a tired, jaded, frustrated fan. Movie looks great. Comics accurate Wolverine FTW. Very much looking forward to it.


I interpret the lines in the trailer about how he’s the saviour meaning he’s there to fix the timeline, especially in regards to merging the Fox properties like X-Men with the Disney MCU. Obviously I think there’s a tongue in cheek element referencing that people aren’t as into the MCU films of late, but I don’t think that will be the real focus of the actual film. I think they are using that to make a metatextual joke with the trailer but in reality, what needs to be fixed is the multiverse of IP so that it can all exist together.


I’m about half way through Donald Glover and Maya Erskine’s Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I’ve really enjoyed it so far. It is a romantic dramedy in the context of a spy show. This gives the show all sorts of unique opportunities to mine its genre for interesting premises. Do they really need to bring romance into what is essentially a business relationship? Should they avoid bringing children into this life? What if they break up when they can’t break up? The show discusses big topics concerning relationships, finances, race, and sex all while staying fairly light and fun. I never saw the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie movie so I can’t compare, but I do like this one!


About half way through as well. It’s quite enjoyable. It takes a pretty worn out concept, a show about hetero romantic coupling, and turns it into deft character exploration. It’s not doing anything new, per se, but it’s doing what it does so well, and with such charm, that the result is deeply likable. Not to mention that Glover and Erskine are superb, although I don’t think Maya Erskine has ever delivered a disappointing performance.


Well yes, I gathered that. By “people” I meant movie goers.

Watched the first two episodes of Ghosts (the proper, British version) last night. Loved it. In the those two episodes, the following happened;

  • Alison find out he has a long-lost aunt and inherits her house
  • Alison and her husband move into the house and start doing it up
  • The Ghosts don’t like this, so try to scare them away
  • One scare goes wrong and Alison falls out of a window, has to be put into an induce coma and because of that discovers she can now see the ghosts.
  • After accepting she can see the ghosts, Alison learns to “deal” with their being there.
  • She tells her husband about this and, although sceptical, he believes her
  • Alison and the ghosts come to an understanding so they can all live together
  • The end of the episode 2 had Alison’s husband witness one of the ghosts move something and thus truly believes her.

It strikes me that if this was written by the same people who wrote Lost all that would have been at least three seasons.

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At some point, with the number of films, some are bound to lose their sheen just by sheer probability. It’s easy to be super excited about them when there weren’t many but now we have a lot more of them and audiences can afford to be more discerning. They can start to skip the ones that seem less interesting to them because there might be two others that are still interesting to draw them in instead. MCU movies don’t really feel like a big cinema draw across the board anymore. Once it was that every one was a big event. Now you can skip a few and still see plenty of others in a year. And their draw is also diminished for a multitude of other reasons including things from over saturation, to decreasing CG quality due to Disney slashing effects budgets, and competition from adjacent films like the Spider-verse films that get people proportionally more excited. But lots of people still probably watch every MCU film when it premiers, it’s just that the audience isn’t as uniformly excited for them anymore.

The discourse I’ve heard around it I’d describe asuch stronger than “not uniformly excited.” I agree that there has probably been oversaturation and people may not be as interested as they once were, but there are people out there saying films like Multiverse of Madness are terrible which, IMO, is simply untrue regardless of your interest in the subject of the film.