Monthly Retro Game Club

I did not know this exists. Glad someone tries to keep these games alive.


The Internet archive is also a great place for old games, especially DOS and Macintosh games.


Every idea is welcome, and I don’t think euro-jank prevents us from considering it. I think the only rule we follow (very roughly and not at all dogmatically) is that we try to make sure the game fits the category of retro i.e. approximately twenty-years-old or more. I also want to make sure that at least one game is fairly easy to access for people who don’t have a platform on which to emulate old games, where feasible. That said, is Gothic II: Night of the Raven a DLC? If it is, I’d probably propose playing the base game. Thoughts?


Yes, Raven is or better was the DLC back in the day, but I don’t think if you buy the game now that you can still get the version without the DLC. If I am correct then at some point they merged it for good and only sell the whole thing. I believe that it allows the player to access the game without DLC if they use a workaround.

I checked on Steam and it seems my memory was correct:

Addon included.

“If for whatever reason you need to go back to the original there is a public branch named “original” that anybody can opt-in.”

But I would totally be fine with the original version only if others have access to that version. If I remember this correctly the DLC content changes barely anything until very, very late in the game, so up to 99% into the game my version will very much be identical with the original version anyway and I did like the base game more than the DLC content.


I just think it’s a good game, and it basically created the RTS genre, It’s not too hard, and the myabandonware version only took me a couple hours to complete, also with the renewed interest in the Dune franchise, I think now’s the perfect time to introduce more people to the game. Also even if you aren’t familiar with Dune, you don’t need extensive background knowledge to enjoy it.


They just announced Goldeneye is coming to NSO on Jan 27. IDK if we consider N64 retro or not, but I haven’t played that one since it came out.


Golden Eye was released in 1997. It’s well retro.


Oh, boy, what a neat website. This title immediately jump right at me. I remember playing it a long time ago and loving the complex controls that almost forced me to grow extra fingers. Being 2023 it’s techincally more than 20 years old. :stuck_out_tongue:


If anyone is interested in doing a JRPG, I’ve wanted to play this for whatever reason for like thirty years now Secret of the Stars (1993) | Grouvee Although, this might be more suitable for a “bad games club” than a retro one, based on what I’ve heard. :upside_down_face:


I think it’s time to put this to a vote, considering we are approaching the end of January. I’ve included everyone’s submissions and we are going to aim for two titles. Please vote for your two picks from the games below. Happy voting!

  • Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty (A.K.A. Dune II: The Battle For Arrakis)
  • Metal Gear
  • Gothic II
  • Golden Eye
  • Mech Warrior 4: Mercenaries
  • Secret of the Stars

0 voters


Relevant to this conversation:

GoldenEye controls better on Xbox than on Switch — can they be changed? - Polygon


Dune lost. This is not the last you will hear of House oghiewankenobi! I will return, with stronger forces, and an alliance with desert nomad space muslim fighters!


Not sure if it’s an open club or not but if an application is needed, mine is that I voted for goldeneye because I have never played it and would like to.


No application needed, just play the games and chip in on discussion any time. If you want you can even still play the January games.


Four days left, don’t count it out yet. And there are more months in the year, we could always put it up for another month.


Hmmm… guess I won’t be needing this Gom Jabbar and these Ornithopters then.


I check this every day and I can’t believe Goldeneye is gunna lose to Dune 2


“He who controls the spice controls the universe.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune :grin:


The poll won’t let me vote (I think because I clicked the Show Results button), or I’d be putting in like 7 votes for Golden Eye. I started playing on Xbox yesterday. I thought I would bounce off quickly, but the modernish control scheme and my nostalgia hooked me in. Maybe next month.


I believe you should still be able to vote after viewing the results. But I think you can only click the vote button if you check two boxes, so perhaps that’s the issue (in the event you had only selected Goldeneye).