Monthly Retro Game Club

The movement got better when I started holding Y to run as @georgeypoorgey suggested.

The door triggers remind me of Sonic games but at least in those you can usually see the door.


Seems like a weird design that you need to constantly press a button to make the game playable.


Tried playing with my finger on the run button and that still doesn’t help. It’s not enjoyable to play nor to look at.


Interestingly I played a few levels of DKC3 last night, figuring I’d just bounce off it right away – but IDK why precisely, but I felt okay with it? (SNES version, I’ll note.) I just might prefer simpler level design and more methodical puzzle-ish platforming for this formula. (The timed doors never hindered me, but perhaps I got lucky with them.) Will have to play more and see what direction the game takes.

For what it’s worth, I feel like my attack timing with Dixie’s ponytail spin is less finicky than Donkey’s roll and Diddie’s cartwheel from the first two entries. I wonder if it’s just me getting more used to the series in general, or if they’ve tweaked it to be a bit more forgiving at this point.


I will say they jacked the colors up on the GBA version. I wonder if they got nervous that people would not be able to see portions of the game because of the GBA’s nonexistent backlight. So I think you’re playing an uglier version of the game, but it doesn’t seem like that would change your overall view


Dixie was a big revelation in DKC2. Just allowing a character to delay their falls in a platformer so precise made the game more accessible and also offered opportunities for new kinds of gameplay. It was the right move to have her lead the third game.

But the baton passing ended there. No one wants to play DKC4: Kiddie’s Campaign.


I take it you are not a Super Mario player? Holding a button to run allows the player precision control over speed. Hold to speed up, let go to slow down for precarious areas. Holding means you can activate and deactivate or toggle your speed quickly. Also having the walk speed the default eases new players into platforming. But Mario aside, hold to run is a very common idea employed in games. I prefer toggle to run for RPGs but hold to run for action or platforming games makes sense to me.


Sure, but I feel that this is less “hold to run” and more “hold to remove the concrete blocks from your feet”.


Lol, I can’t say I disagree :joy:


Who do you want as Kiddie’s partner?

Lanky Kong is the best of the batch introduced in 64. I know they were filling out the world with those new characters in 64, but I wish they would’ve just used Dixie instead of Tiny and Kiddy instead of Chunky.

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This was a big reason why this game was so satisfying. It just felt so good to play.

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Cranky, let him jump on his stick like Scrooge McDuck!


A new ape that’s royalty, I’m thinking “King Kong” for the name.


So I think I’ll have to drop DKC3, as it’s just not holding my attention. While I find the controls a tad better than the previous two DKCs (though I do find the throwing to be super cumbersome), the level design in general is way too bland and basic (or in some cases, annoying, like the level with the bees chasing you). So the last few times I’ve gone to this one, I lost interest after a level or two. Not what I’d call unplayable, but it’s not for me.


We are getting close to February and I think it makes sense to start discussions about potential entries for next month’s retro games.

Does anyone have anything they are itching to play and would like us to consider for next month?

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I would like to nominate Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty (Known as Dune II: The Battle For Arrakis in europe and on Genesis) because I think it’s a pretty damn good game. It’s on and can be played in browser.


He should have an attack involving lightning, as a homage to that terrible 1962 KK VS Godzilla film.

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That’s fun. Any background you want to share on why that’s your choice, just for the sake of curiosity?


Mh, let’s see what old games are on my shortlist:

One very old game I definitely want to look into soon is the original Metal Gear, so I got it on GOG for PC.

I feel I should at least give it a try to find out how this Hideo Kojima crazyness started ~35 years ago, before I tackle on one of his newer games in the series and the satire one '“Unmetal” to get the references in it. I was told that knowing a bit about his older games could too help me “getting” Death Stranding and not wtf the whole time about his crazy ideas… but I don’t know if that is true at all.

I guess though that most of you have played this already? For me everything Kojima is new, I only know him from memes on Reddit and alike. He seems to have cult status as have his games.

The other is Gothic II with Raven Addon (PC), because I am so happy they do a Gothic 1 remake and I already have (re)played the original Gothic 1 (was my first ever 3D game on PC back in the day) not long ago and want/need to go back to Myrtana again.

I don’t know if “euro jank” is something many on Grouvee would like?