
This is the discussion/completion topic for Machinarium. Please keep any spoilers blurred!


If you’ve completed the game, let us know below and an admin will make sure you get your badge!

This badge has no title! Please help us out by giving suggestions! The title can’t be something generic like "Hero’ as it could apply to many games. Make sure it relates to the game somehow, but doesn’t spoil it!

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Gonna have to get me one of these. This is one of my favourite games from one of my favourite studios.

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Unique drawing-style graphics and charming, “silent” narrative. I enjoyed some of the avant-garde electronic soundtracks that the creator made.


Yes! I love this game, I’ve recently started to replay it and I’m enjoying it just as much as the first time. The puzzles are so unique and creative and the mechanical sounds, music and art-style set just the right atmosphere for giving your soul on solving them, especially some of the more challenging ones. It’s so great.


This was the first point and click adventure game I played and I absolutely loved every second of it. I was drawn in by the art style, but the puzzles, soundtrack (definitely a huge highlight, absolutely amazing), and charming silent protagonist kept me playing to the end. It’s probably been long enough since my playthrough that it’d feel pretty fresh again, though, now that I think about it, I can still remember some of the puzzles/solutions pretty clearly, so maybe not. Then again, the art and soundtrack are so dang good that I’d play through it again just for those alone.


Absolutely adore this game, it’s one of the first titles I pull out to introduce people to a wider variety of videogames when they are unfamiliar. Also definitely completed, so badge please!


Badge please!
One of my all time favourite! I love Amanita since they released first game :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m from Poland, so I’ve grown up watching Czech cartoons.


Oohh, I’m happy there’s still backlog badges being added! Badge please, I completed this one several months back. It was a charming game for sure!

Wish I had a good idea for a name though :confounded:


“Citizen Robot” (anyone seen Citizen Kane?)

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Absolutely loved this game. So charming! Would be honoured to have a badge.


I have a soft spot for these point-and-clickers. Completed this a few years back.


I loved this little gem of a game, beautiful art, atmosphere and music.


I love Machinarium so much. Andi and I played it through together when we were living abroad, and we’ve played through it several more times since then, including with our children. It’s one of the games that we make generally available on the family computer, and even our 3yo son likes to click around on it. And every now and then he gets a little further.

Badge please.


Machinarium is one of my favorite point and click adventure games and there are also many games like Machinarium which are more interesting you can check them here


Cool little point-n-click puzzle game, had a lot of fun completing it!


I am a machine. Fun little game badge me please!

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Just finished this one – badge me, please :slight_smile:


what was your favorite part of the game