
Just a topic for sharing your Letterboxd if you’d like, so fellow Grouvees can follow you. :+1:

I’m Reset_Tears there. I started keeping track of the movies I watched about three years ago. I watched over 100 in 2022 and in 2023. Since I’m already past that number this year, I’ll shoot for 150. Some of the long-term projects I’m working on are watching all the Godzillas (and other famous kaiju films), a bunch of big-name anime films (e.g., might finish with the Ghibli movies this year), and a whole lot of J-horror fare (plan to watch a bunch over the next couple months for spooky season).

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I’m starting to feel pressured into joining again…but I don’t want to because I feel only film snobs are welcome on that site. :sweat_smile:


Really, I only use it to keep track of what I’ve seen and when, and getting recommendations for film/TV based on what friends have watched. I don’t tend to write on it—I barely feel qualified to write about video games here.

I think it sucks if anyone is trying to gatekeep what movies you should/shouldn’t like or engage with! I think what is cool about the site (and about Grouvee too) is seeing the myriad unique favourite movies/games that people have.


The reason I stopped using it was because I was bad at logging and because I witnessed too many users harassing anyone who didn’t fit a very narrow film-bro definition with specific tastes while there was inadequate site moderation.


And to be clear this has nothing to do with other people’s tastes, as I don’t care what they enjoy, just a specific set of Letterboxd users who try to enforce taste through aggressive and harassing behaviour. Add to that the fact that the typical target of these users was women, Queer identifying people, and other minorities, and Letterboxd grew to feel very uninviting.


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Sorry some of you had such bad experiences on the site. I guess I’m enough of a nobody there that I haven’t really encountered any of that sort of vitriol. I just use it to see what movies folks in my friend group are watching, and potentially finding new films I then want to check out myself. Plenty of folks watching and enjoying “trashy” flicks. I won’t judge any of you, at least. =P


Is there a way to have groups on there? Maybe could have a Grouvee group?

Failing that, anyone have suggestions for alternatives?

All I do is make a list of movies, and have been forgetting to keep up with it lately

Just added the Karate Kid movies

I guess by group I just mean “following.” And I unfollow people whenever I feel like it. And if someone were to start annoying me, I’d block them. (You go to their profile, click the three dots near their name, and select “block this member.”) I don’t bother commenting on strangers’ reviews, since there’s basically zero chance of them ever responding (at least in my experience).

If I were to pick something I don’t like about Letterboxd, it’s that the top reviews for basically every movie are always going to be one-line quotes, dumb memes, ironic references, pithy statements, etc. People click that like button because it’s just one sentence long, I guess. :roll_eyes: So if you want to read any actual reviews that people put any thought or effort into, you’ll have to click on “more” to the right of “popular reviews” and scroll down a bit.