Kory's 2019 Challenge Post

Very excited to have a way to focus my attention on what I play this year. Let me know if you have any suggestions! (Staying within my collection would be appreciated, but not necessarily required. PC should be avoided.)


Making all of my entries links for easier browsing of titles you may not be familiar with.

Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (2002)

Not really a game that can be beat, but I’ve definitely put in more than 3 hours! Didn’t start playing until recently and have had a great time so far. It’s definitely a grind game, but I enjoy the grind and the combat is simple enough to stop and start playing whenever you like. Great as a break if I’m getting burnt out on whatever I’m playing or between games. Online community has been very helpful so far as well.

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This is my game for “one word title”, because despite what Grouvee says, the box and cartridge both just say Bookworm.

This is definitely a game I grew up, both on the GBA and Popcap’s amazing browser games days. Typer Shark, Insaniquarium, and Feeding Frenzy ate a lot of my time. They key is simplicity. Bookworm doesn’t get fancy, it’s a pretty simple word puzzle game, and that’s why it holds up so well. I didn’t “beat” it, because there is no end, but I have reached the point in the game where there are new ranks to achieve with each level up. Next stop is hopefully breaking the level encounter like my dad did as a kid.


I played the browser game version of bookworm a few years ago and remember having to force-uninstall it, as I wasn’t doing anything else any more. Definitely a great word game.

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Story mode was pretty short, Alien crossed off the list is justified by Orbulon. REALLY enjoyed myself. Love these games’ wildly different art styles between minigames and weird plot. Despite being motion control based, I rarely found myself frustrated. Even that frustration wasn’t with the motion controls, it was just the occasional minigame that I didn’t understand the objective until it was too late or the single boss fight that dragged on too long (stupid dance-off…).

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