G7: The Title contains - 5+ Words 
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2 - By now, one could consider the main original Hero of the Kingdom releases as a kind of full-feature movies, while The Lost Tales ones being part of mini-series in comparison. Every release has their story individual enough to be enjoyed separately, although they share the same world with references to their characters and events.
Part 2 puts a human kingdom’s princess in focus here. After her little escapade of adventure outside the castle, she has to find her way back in after learning of a turmoil taking place in her home city. Parts of this story involves helping out a farmer on numerous chores, dealing with pirates and fighting evil troops summoned from a different realm. Knowing that HotK is mainly a point-n-click RPG adventure game, there isn’t as much impression being made during the story besides the short texts narrating for progress’ sake, like the rest of the franchise.
Still, it’s to be taken for what it is; an easy-going fantasy adventure in a light-hearted environment, which the franchise has been built on ever since. The features here are scaled back and barely has any grind factors (glances at HotK III), although my experience suffers from having to travel back and forth to keep my required items and stats stocked up to progress the story. The isometric art keeps up the standards, although there aren’t any notable, new mechanics added on to freshen up the HotK experience. Nevertheless, if you like HotK overall or wants some relaxing fantasy RPG escapade to sink 3.5 hrs into, The Lost Tales Part 2 is worth checking out.
G7: The Title contains - Colour 
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered - Aged badly but put the interactive movie niche on the map anew.
G7: The Title contains - Only Capital Letter 
HIVESWAP: ACT 1 - Lush, cerebral, gamer-friendly though unreliable, for patient Homestuck newcomers or old fans
And with that, I have officially rounded off the Grouvee challenge of 2021. I will follow up with posting reviews of remaining games I’ve cleared off that year, knowing that I’ve put them off out of considerations for replays or plain laziness. (and the fact that I am a thorough and slow writer, too)
The amount of games I’ve cleared off could have filled several groups in the document but as of now, I barely managed to complete two, which will suffice. After all, it’s the bigger picture that counts, that being the pile-of-shame that has to be downplayed (pun intended) and control the personal library. But for now, it is the remaining reviews and starting out on the new year with new goals.
Have an excellent year on all fronts, gamer folks!