I want to add a sequel of a game franchise and the franchise is missing in the franchises list

So, I want to add a sequel/spin off game of this game’s franchise here Camp Buddy (2018) | Grouvee. I tried to add the sequel of it that I mentioned known as “Camp Buddy: Scoutmaster Season” but from what I’ve seen, it’s still pending since that time I added the game (I think it was 2 months ago when I added it?)

Also, is it possible for “Camp Buddy” to be added in the franchises section and can it be added in this game Camp Buddy (2018) | Grouvee, as well as on the sequel of it that I want to be added and approved since it’s an official game as well. Thank you.

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jesus you must really love this game. Maybe message @peter or @bmo about it? I think it can still be in your backlog and be reviewed even if it’s not an official one and I think there’s heaps of unreviewed games anyway so you might have to wait a bit? Like I said ask BMO or peter.

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Yup, you’re right. I love this game. XD