How to request games to be added to database?

It’s technically in there under this entry:
I have no idea how different they are, but that’s how Giant Bomb has it entered in the system. That’s also what the Steam game is mapped to currently.

Ah, ok. Something is still weird with it though, because it doesn’t import from Steam for me, and it seems that Jess had the same problem.

Aight, I’ll take a look.

I would like to request the addition of the following game:

AMIGA Spinworld (1988)
PC Lamborghini American Challenge (1992)

Thank you

I added the first one:

The second one is actually this game:

I added Lamborghini American Challenge as an alias for the game so that it comes up in the search when you use that title.

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super fast

thank you!

This is pretty bizarre. When I look at both yours and @Jess’ profiles on Steam, the game doesn’t show up. Jess and I are friends on Steam, so I see her avatar on game pages when she owns the game. Her avatar shows up on The Mystery of the Mummy’s page. For whatever reason though, the Steam Community page is not showing the game in either of your list of games. Therefore the Steam API isn’t showing it in your list of games, and Grouvee can’t grab it. I have no contacts at Steam, but I’ll see if there’s someone I can email there to ask about it.

Maybe the name is incorrect. The Cartridge simply states ‘Golf’ but has a photo of Mario.

Looks like that one falls under this entry:

There is a Game Boy release of it. The Japanese cover is pretty cool too:

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Ah. Makes sense now. When I turned the game on the copyright date was 1989, 5 years off so I guess it just didn’t occur to me that this was the one.
Thank you!

It is definitely strange how some releases get grouped together and others do not. But from looking at a few other sites, it seems that the grouping of these releases is generally accepted. I know @peter is thinking about how to incorporate releases into shelves which would make it easier to pick out the Game Boy release with the date you are looking for. That probably won’t happen for awhile though.

It appears that nova-111 is missing PS3 as one of the available platforms.

Actually I just added it when I was adding stuff to my shelves from PS+ this month.

That’s the same thing that prompted me to notice it was missing :wink:

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Looking forward to this one getting posted so I can add it to my definitely most wanted list:

Knights & Bikes

Could you add:

Papa Pear Saga
Peggle Blast
Pyramid Solitaire Saga
Diamond Digger Saga


Games called Pyramid Solitaire and Diamond Digger are already in database but they’re not the same games. The same names are just coincidence.

Hi, there’s two games I’m not seeing in the library. Could you add Presentable Liberty and Dragon Age: The Last Court, please? Presentable Liberty is PC, and Last Court is browser. Thanks!

Hey, whether it’s tomorrow or in a month, I’ll still be here!

Annnnd I found four more missing games. Mostly two/three in one GBA games.

Scooby Doo And The Cyber Chase / Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem (the seperate games are posted but not the dual game)

Kid’s Cards (Majesco company I Believe)

Uno / Skip Bo (this one does NOT include Uno freefall, which is the option available)

& Life / Yahtzee / Payday

I was thinking this would get added on Giant Bomb, but it has been days and has not. So here:

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I’ve added these two. I’ll get the rest when I have a chance.