Help with the Book - Send Me Screenshots!

Hello folks.

So as many of you know, I’m working on a history of SEGA book, and it’s due to the publishers by the end of the month :exploding_head:

I’m still a few images off the 100 total I’m supposed to provide, so I was hoping the wonderful community here might be able to help out. At the moment I’m needing screenshots for the following games

  • Phantasy Star Online (any version)
  • Space Harrier (any version)
  • Aladdin (Mega Drive)
  • Night Trap (any version)
  • Snatcher (any version, but preferably one with English language if possible)
  • Shenmue (any version)
  • Rocket Knight Adventures (Mega Drive)
  • Tails’ Adventure (Game Gear)
  • Michael Jackson’s Moonwlker (Mega Drive)
  • Super Mario Bros. (SNES)
  • Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

Important: These need to be licence-free. The easiest way to ensure this is it to take them yourself.

Please note that they need to be as high a resolution as possible!

The easiest way to deliver them is probably to send me a hosted link, or if you have Google Drive share it via there. (We don’t want to bog down Peter’s server).

Anyone who does help out will get a shout out in the “Acknowledgements” section of the book, just let me know how you’d like to be credited.

Thanks in advance. :smile:


Creative Commons is a great resource. You can select images that allow for commercial use so long as attribution is give.,modification,modification


Whoo, i have the entire megadrive library on my computer. I could probably screenshot some of those for you pretty easily.


I’ve not seen this site before. Thanks very much!