I very much like the Grouvee Challenge and added my own twist to it using Steam Tags which was a lot of fun to tie games to. Thank you to those of you who got this idea going. In addition to slating stuff on the Steam tag system i went off the current official Grouvee format(s) for 2019/2020, I just did not focus or force myself to pick things in order to complete tiers. I also found that the Grouvee Monthly Retro Game Club and Top 250 (and Horrible Hundred!) were very good ways to pick things to play (regardless of the slot) For quite a few of them, I was focusing on things that I had starred 4-5 stars on my high priority list that I have yet to play and got in a decent number this year…
I failed to complete some games before the year’s end, but that doesn’t bother me so much. I’m still playing Sanctus Reach off and on (a game I started in Jan 2019!) I’m smack dab in the middle of Yakuza 0. Due to picking up (and not being able to put down, lol) a lot of pick-up-and-play type games, I’ve got about 30-odd-something games on my playing shelf and pick quite a few of those up every month (or other month) or so. Which is a habit that I tended not to do so much in recent years since joined Grouvee actually.
Some highlights include continuations in franchises Such as Bioshock 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Metroid, Amnesia 2, Castlevania 2, Serious Sam 2 ( I remember at one point actually going for the sequels) I also made a nice dent in old Capcom-era action platformers and Disney IP (I’m not a Disney fan but these games are pretty good!)
Counts for the year’s end:
Official Grouvee Challenge Format: 18
Steam Tags: 57
Console/Platforms: 4
total: 79
Of those 79 games:
Grouvee Retrogame Club Picks/Top 250/Horrible 100: 7
Completed Backlogs: 8
Backlogs/Abandoned Attempts/Current Playthroughs (Both Current and Prior): 18
New Backlogs/Abandoned Attempts/Current Playthroughs: 8 (of that 18)
(I write-off endless games as wash and not count them for either my Played shelf or Grouvee Challenge. Had a few of those.)
Going forward into next year’s challenge with 91 challenges (plus some of the 18 backlogs)
This Fighter’s challenge Kontinues, but for now a feast, mk?