Fitness and Health

I’m only 25, but a couple months back, I did my morning yawn as I got out of bed and ended up straining my mid-back. I had limited movement for a week :joy: I’m quite fit too, but you never know when and how you’ll get injured I guess.

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The way to get slimmer (not healthier, just slimmer) is by not eating. While exercising will be a good addition, it’s easier to shift the kcal in - kcal out balance by eating less than by running more.

A few weeks ago, I started doing some light boxing again after buying a cheap heavy bag (30 quid or the equivalent) and I forgot how good it felt to just stand there and throw punches until exhaustion. If I can vouch for a great exercise, is boxing (you don’t need to spar or anything, just move, hit, and throw combinations).


If anyone here wants to exercise more, and you happen to have a VR headset, I highly recommend The Thrill of the Fight. It’s not a pretty game by all means, but the game is good for getting a workout in, without having to leave your home! I’m a boxer myself, and I still found it pretty tough to knockout the AI!

In general, I think VR is the best way to make cardio fun. I do all sorts of fitness (long-distance running, boxing, and HIIT), but I think VR cardio is easily the most fun. Do I look goofy doing it? Yes! But is it a fun, effective workout? Also yes! The most important part about fitness is finding something that excites you, and if it’s VR cardio, then great! And because it’s gamified, it often doesn’t even feel like you’re exercising which will be helpful for those who often feel unmotivated to move!


Do y’all have any suggestions for low-calorie, high-protein, easy-to-make, meal recipes?

I’ve started my cut 3 weeks ago (196lbs) and I’m now at 188lbs. Planning on cutting down all the way to 165-170lbs (for bodybuilding/fitness/joint health reasons). And the one area I’ve always struggled with is making tasty food. I’m a novice when it comes to cooking and I often find myself too lazy to make anything grandiose, so if you guys have any recipes that fit the above criteria, I’m all ears!!

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I’m a big fan of mujaddara, which is a simple mixture of lentils, rice, and caramelized onions. It’s tasty, filling, vegetarian, pretty high in fiber and protein, super easy to make in bulk, and even easier to vary up with new veggies or meats to keep it from getting stale.

Here’s one recipe for it, but beyond the core three ingredients you can really throw in whatever you want: Mujadara (Lentils and Rice with Caramelized Onions) - Cookie and Kate


Not even really trying to diet or anything right now but this sounds delicious! Lol. Gonna have to try it.