Hi! Let me know if there’s a better avenue for this question, but:
Would it be possible to have a feature that marks games as “Hidden” or “Muted”?
I’m a petty human being sometimes, there are many videogames that bring me nothing at all in terms of joy, discussion or interest at all, and I would like to hide all comments, reviews, posts, etc. that are done in that game’s page or that tag that game. It’s specially annoying when an announcement or something happens with those games and people (rightfully) talk a lot about it, even if it’s to dunk on it, I would just rather not see it at all! It can really clog the home page too sometimes.
Way I imagine it is it’d work in a similar way to muting users, just for games, checking against the post having the game as a tag or similar. I don’t want it to be a mute of terms, hiding any posts where the name of the game gets mentioned in whichever other context or discussion, but using the existing categorization the site has would be dope.
If it’s too much work, not possible, or I’m the only one interested, well tough luck! But it’s worth a topic.