Fallout 4

I finished this a while ago, a badge would be nice please :slight_smile:

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I actually had to think for a bit to recall if I ever actually completed the main story, since I spent SO MUCH time building settlements, lol. I did get there eventually now that I think about it, but really, finding weird random objects and bringing them home to display in my post-apocalyptic mansion was what I was most invested in :laughing:



I have completed Fallout 4. Please present me with the badge.

Thank you.


I beat this game, but could not remember the ending even though it has only been 4 years. I guess a lot has happened since then.


I completed this game a few times, once was a local play through with friends handing off the controller now and again. It was peak ps4 for me. Also this has been my only entry for fallout, I have picked up new vegas and plan to play through it ok my series x, can’t wait!


I’ll take a badge please :slight_smile:


Did I spend the vast majority of my playthrough building houses with a massive pile of decoration mods? Yes, yes I did. But the ghouls of The Slog are happy and cozy now, and that’s what really matters.

…May I have a badge? :smiley:


Spent more than 200 hours on 3. Then played 4 and was not very into the plot but beated the game after doing everything and putting 50 hours into the game. Overall the game was alright but now with discovering all the mods it might go up to 200 hours like I did in fallout 3. Awsome to see that grouvee put a badge for this game!

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