Fallout 3

Finished this beauty about 2 years ago. That’s waaaay after the original release, which meant there were tons of cool mods available to enhance the experience. I installed 30 mods or so and after some experimentation, I got it to run stable. It was a great experience!
But I must confess I never played it in its original form.

I think I got pretty close to 100% completion when considering the official game + DLCs. I didn’t finish all the extra quest lines I modded in though.

Can I get the pretty badge? :slight_smile:


It was fun to play it, but in the end… It lives up to its nickname of “Elder Scrolls with gun”. Still, I cannot blame it too much for that, it is different enough. Finished it once.

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Claim Badge, was okay but Vegas is so much better:cowboy_hat_face:

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Still one of my favourite games of all time, especially with the Wanderer’s Edition mod.

Badge please. :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is the only Bethesda game I’ve actually managed to complete. I need a stinking badge.

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A richly well-made game for its immersion value and world build, albeit rough around the edges when it comes to combat.

All in all, big game incl. DLC’s checked off!

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Hi! I’ve finished this game a few times :3

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I’d like to have this badge, please!

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Finished a couple of years ago. Great game

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My second favorite fallout :sweat_smile: This one didn’t stick with me as much as new vegas did, I think it had a bit too much of a same-y feeling without all the different factions, it kinda felt like you rarely fought anything other than supermutants. Still a fantastic game though, but I think if I’d played this one first I would have enjoyed it more.

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I had beaten Fallout 3 before, but I just recently finished a full replay through it & all the DLCs on Xbox 360. So I had to do without any mods on the other hand, the 350 version crashed maybe 4 times my whole playthrough. I have never been able to complete a playthrough on the Steam version without a game-breaking bug. I beat it on console the first time too.

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I have completed Fallout 3. Please present me with the badge.

Thank you.

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Beat the main story some years ago.

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I’ve completed this one. Love it to death.

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Badge please :slight_smile: Fallout. ahh i love the games but as time passes i’ve a harder and harder time supporting the company making the games sadly

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I’d like to claim a badge please! ^^ This isn’t my favorite Fallout game by any means, but I have fond memories of exploring the world more than anything.

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Completed this one some time ago.
I didn’t play any other Bethesda game since then. Didn’t really like the open world nor the story.

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Beat the main story couple months ago. Can I get the badge? :slightly_smiling_face:

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One does not Simply Beat Fallout 3…but I’m sure I have completely finished this one in every possibly way. One of my all time favorites with hundreds if not thousands of hours in. Please badge me and thank you.

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Played the game on the xbox 360 was my favorite fallout to ever play. Mabey because it was the onely one that I have played. Also beat most of the dlcs. Would like the badge please.

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