Celebrity Crush

So I thought it might be fun to discuss our celebrity crushes, just for a kind of silly “getting to know you” kinda way. Weather you want to discuss your first, your longest serving or your current, just have fun with this. And no judgement!

My very first was Larisa Oleynik from Secret World of Alex Mack. I was probably around 6 or 7 when I first saw the show and remember thinking she was so cute.

My current, and longest serving, which I’ve made no secret of, is Liv Tyler. I first saw her in That Thing You Do and thought she was absolutely stunning! I was the film on TV in Australia so it was probably around 2000 or so, when I would have been 15.

I’ve always preferred more natural beauty over the forced, make-up heavy that Hollywood constantly pushes. I’ve seen a good deal of her films now, not all great but I still enjoy her performances. And that voice! I could listen to her read the phone book!

This is a recent photo from her Instagram. She’s 46 now and remains incredibly beautiful (not to suggest people in their 40s can’t be).


Ah, Rosario Dawson. Probably my longest running crush period lol. I used to have a thing for Haley Williams, the singer for Paramore, but that pretty much fell off after high school. I dont tend to have many celebrity crushes though now that i think about it.

I guess i have kind of a bro-crush on ol Arnie Schwarzenegger. Like he just seems like a really cool, positive person that would be fun to hang out with. Not any physical attraction but like I want to be this guy’s friend lol.


I always tried to have crushes on characters rather than actors, because you might learn too much about them and they’re not really cool in real life

When I was little, I guess I liked Grace [Kelly Hu] in the show “Martial Law”, to some extent

Actually, I need a real crush. It’s a difficult age…


Well it depends on what qualifies as a celebrity lol. I’ll try to keep it mostly clean

Nick Offerman

Jason Momoa

Colby Jansen


Tori Amos. When I was a kid I was convinced she was a literal angel.


I guess definition doesn’t matter, as long as any images are SFW.

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Well Mamoa’s bits are covered, and the porn star is in a tux so we’re ok I think. :wink:


Mostly in a tux, he’s probably not wearing pants XD


Ah, ok. Didn’t know he was a pornstar.

You clearly have a type :wink:

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My celebrity crush was starbuck from the reimaged battlestar galatica series.


Lately I’ve been kinda obsessed wiht Anya Taylor-Joy… but it feels weird cause she’s a lot younger for me.

But my two trusty crushes for the last few years have been Jessica Chastain and Henry Cavill.