Best games to play on PlayStation 3

I have pretty good PC but I borrowed my brother’s old PS3. During Christmas cleaning he wanted to take it to my parent’s damp basement! I just couldn’t let him and now it’s in my flat and I need to get some TV. The question is which games aged best (well it has almost 20 years already! I feel so old OMG) and are impossible to play on PC or just much better experience playing the PS3 version than PC.

The only physical games I found are:

BTW as a teen I had PS2 but I really only played Star Wars: Battlefront II, Burnout 3: Takedown and Ratchet & Clank in rotation, seriously.

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Highly recommend the Last of Us, Journey, and Flower.


Any Ratchet and clank is a good time.
Infamous, Uncharted, Killzone and Resistance are the staples usually. Lost planet games also fall into shooter run n guns
Heavenly Sword and God of War 3.
Motorstorm apocalypse is one of the best racing games
Siren bloodcurse, Dead space if you want scarys.
Fallout vegas, or 3, oblivion or skyrim for big rpgs. Final fantasy 13 for jrpgs.
Puppeteer, papa and yo, katamari for oddball stuff.
Tokyo Jungle for just plain unique.


You’ll have to excuse me if some of these are playable on PC as well, but as far as the ones that come to mind…

  • Folklore
  • Dead Space Extraction (included with Dead Space 2)
  • Heavy Rain
  • Killer Is Dead
  • Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (generally considered to be better than the recent Master Collection)
  • Resistance 3
  • Tekken Hybrid (which includes Tekken Tag HD)
  • EX Troopers (has a fan translation but otherwise Japanese)
  • Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection (available digital, or can import physical from Japan for cheap)

There’s also a butt load of the best PS1 games available digital on PS3 as well, including the entire Mega Man Legends series, the OG Resident Evil games, all kinds of great stuff.


I was trying to remember Folklore. I could picture it in my head but couldnt remember the name for nothing

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