Around the World in 80 Games!

Hello Travelers and Adventurers, Explorers and Cartographers!

I’ve mapped out a new digital destination for us to set our sights on! The world is a big place full of many exciting and interesting people, places and cultures to explore throughout. So I thought some of you would join me for a journey around the world in video game form!

Welcome to the Grand World Tour!

The goal is to circumnavigate the world digitally, by playing games from countries worldwide. To do this, adventurers will choose a starting country, and play a game developed by a studio located there. Then they will chose a neighboring country that it touches and play a game for a studio there, and so on until they find a path that circles the globe before finishing in their starting country. If you find yourself at a body of water, then you must play a “Travel game” which I’m classifying as games that involves exploring the ocean, sailing, or flying, before moving to your next country.

To give an Example, Say I choose Canada. I would then play a game by Bioware (or another studio of choice), and would be able to check Canada off. Canada touches the U.S., so I would then choose a studio in the U.S. to play a game for, or I could choose to play a travel game and go across the ocean to Japan or the U.K. etc.

If an Adventurer finds themselves at a dead end, meaning they cant find a studio in a neighboring country, then they may move backwards until they can find a new path to travel, OR, they may play a game which has its setting in that country, OR they can choose to play a Travel game, but only if no other option is available.

I’m not setting a hard time limit for this, as its more about exploring our world and all of the diverse ideas and cultures put forth, to broaden our horizons in some form. However I may offer a prize for things such as the fastest completion, the longest and shortest routes, and hitting all 7 continents first.

Hopefully this makes sense for everyone, but I can try to clarify more if needed.

Everyone have fun and I hope to see a variety of amazing journeys!!


This is a good idea, and one I actually track. Just off hand, I know I have games from Canada, USA, Australia, Chile, France, UK, Poland, Ukraine, Malta, Nederland, Germany, Serbia, Japan, China, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia… Probably a few more.

We’re in an era now where it’s not hard to find games from India, LatAm and Africa now, which wasn’t always the case.

If someone can actually find a game from every country, that would be fire. I feel like the Vatican probably has at least one Switch eShop shovelware game.


This sounds cool but tough! I’ll give it a go, and I’ll recommend Arco for a game developed (partially) in Mexico. It’s a neat blend of fast-paced tactics and Oregon Trail-style travel segments.


Well…world Explorers probably had it pretty tough too! Lol. I hope it ends up being a fun experience


I had a similar idea years ago, except that it was where the games took place

Like Celeste: Canada Guacamelee: Mexico etc.


Ironically, both of those are made by Canadian studios :wink:


Chilean games (apparently, never played or heard about any of them): Steam Curator: Videojuegos Made In Chile


Waiting for the definitive speedrun route to hit all 7 continents fastest. I’m guessing there are no Antarctician developers?

So im going to start in Japan i think, because im already playing a Japanese developed game. Then my second will need to be a travel game since Japan is surrounded by water.

Start Point - Japan
* Japan - Level 5 - Proffessor Layton and the Curious Village


Question. If you start this, but then play something that isn’t from a country adjacent to the country your previous game was made, do you reset your progress. For example, if someone is doing this, but then wants to play something that just dropped, do they have to start over because they didn’t adhere to the rules of the challenge?

I had not thought about it. I would say as long as they tried a game itll count. I dont think you have to finish the game, but put at least a couple hours into it.

Edit: wait i think i misunderstood.
No you dont have to start over. You can play one for this then play 3 other games if you want before coming back to this. Its just for fun after all. The set rules are for this challenge only. Not all gaming you do


Awesome. I thought so, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t wrong.

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Loll i mean if you wanna hard mode it…


I really don’t :rofl:


Just for fun, I’m gonna use the Dymaxion map and try to make it from New Zealand to Antarctica! I played Mini Metro for my first game in the challenge.


I like this too lol.


I might wait till the Phantom game releases so I can start in my home country. It’ll be like when I originally left Australia all over again. :rofl:

Is this going to be a one-year thing, or is it ok is this extends into 2026? I average like 30 games a year on average (this is a guss) so as there are 195 countries it might take me a while.

Edit: I decided to check the number of 195 countries, and turns out it’s actually somewhat controversial as to how many counties there are in the world. According to ScienceFocus there could be as many as 237 depending on who you ask.

I don’t know if we want to get into these kind of specifics, but is there any particular list we should go off, or is it up to us?

This is more for fun and discovering new games, so its up to you how many or little countries tou choose to do. No real time limit, more of a gaming prompt.


Moving on to Australia, with a quick playthrough of Assault Android Cactus! More games should let you dash across the screen with a giant death drill.