All Games List

I’m just curious, how often do you all look at and use your All Games List? It’s always been kind of a strange feature on the site for a number of reasons. The way the shelf data is stored in the database, it’s kind of awkward to create the list (I can get into more technical details if people are interested). It isn’t really a true representation of your collection since it includes the Wish List, and any other shelves that are not “Collection” shelves. It is definitely a nice way to just see everything you have shelved. I was just curious since it doesn’t seem like any other tracking service out there really offers this view.

I’m not really considering getting rid of it, but I’m considering changing it up a little bit.

Never used it, myself. I use my custom shelves.

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I must have used it at least once, but I really can’t remember what for. Clearly I don’t use it often.

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I suppose to check my total number of games, but other than that not often at all. It probably should remain something we can filter for, but it might not need the prominence it has now.

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I only have one list “played” so I guess that would be the same as all games

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I have never used it.

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Same here, probably looked at it a couple times early on and then just stuck to the others and some custom shelves. I guess it’s where I would search if I wanted to see if I had a game on any of my non-collection shelves, but that can be done faster just by going to the game’s page.

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