A Question Regarding Posts About Other Mediums of Art

Am I allowed to share my thoughts on movies, television shows, etc. here, as long as they are marked as “Off-Topic” posts?


Yes, but those topics you mentioned already exist so you don’t necessarily need to make a new post. There are movie discussions, TV shows discussions , book discussions, food discussions, and there’s even a Sonic fan club! So before making a new topics post, try to see if there’s already one that exists. If not, then go ahead and make a new one. Welcome to the Grouvee forums!


Indeed, and we do have several threads for some of those as @strawhat mentions. If you browse the off-topic section of the forums you should find most, if not all, of the topics you are interested in.


I notice that you have an “Edited” icon in your post, yet I do not seem to be able to edit mine. Why is that?

You have to be a member of the site for a period of the time before you can edit. It’s eventually granted once you’ve been here for a short probationary period. It’s to prevent spam bots from using the edit feature to make posts and then sneakily edit them with harmful links.

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Are you able to disclose for how long that probationary period lasts?

Yes, but I can’t remember off the top of my head. I’ll have to check and get back to you.

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