The Phantom

I’ve never bought from them before, but their being involved does worry me. I’m certainly going to try and get a physical copy. I just hope they don’t screw people over.

My biggest issue with them is usually shipping. It seems to take forever. But ive seen some people say theyve been fine. I also personally feel like they coukd do better with packaging.

Sadly, the game has been pushed back to March 11th. Happily, Feb 24th will see a three level demo become available via Steam.

Also announced is a free DLC that will make various colour variations of the Phantom’s costume available. This is more thank simply having a choice of aesthetics, as the costume is actually different colours in different countrys. From this rather fine article by a certain clever sod-

When the strip debuted it was printed in black and white. While a grey costume could have been included by use of halftone, it was felt it would make the strip look too “muddy,” thus the suit was left uncoloured. When the strip was reprinted in colour internationally, the publishers had no reference as to what colour the suit should be. So…they made it up. This resulted in a red suit in Italy, a blue suit in Sweden, a yellow-brown in New Zealand, and many other variations. It was not until May 1939 — three years after the strip’s debut — that The Phantom was printed in colour in America. It is not known why the colour purple was picked for the Phantom’s costume — Lee Falk has said he was never consulted — but the colour stuck and it is now considered the official costume colour of the hero. However, most countries still use their own colour preference.

On a slightly related note, for anyone who might be interested in the character outside of the game, the character’s origin has recently been updated in the newspaper strip. Author Tony De Paul has written an incredibly interesting deconstruction of it on his blog.

I doubt this will be a game for me, but I wishlisted to check out the demo. I had to do it on a browser, because for whatever reason the search function insde the client would give me hundreds of games but not this one even after deactivating all filters.

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Thanks for doing so. Even if you don’t enjoy the game (which is fine) adding it to your wish list really helps the devs out.

As I’ve stated earlier on this thread, it may be about my favourite comic hero but it’s also being made by a small indie Aussie dev, and I reckon they deserve support.

Weird about the search thing, I was able to find it OK. “Phantom” is a pretty common word, though.

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