Recommend Me A Game

Legend of solgard maybe? Ive heard it mentioned as being similiar, but never played it. Not even sure what its on

I absolutely love this game too. I might recommend the following:

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Thanks, will check those out!


That’s the mobile game I mentioned on the main site (I think). It is very similar, but eventually you hit a wall where you basically can’t go further unless you start shilling out for it. I don’t mind supporting devs of good games, but that things just got stupid.


Thanks, I had forgotten that I asked this here lol I think that hero of the kingdom is pretty unique that looks like a rpg but it’s just casual point and click. I am gonna check these games.

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I had forgotten I’ve asked this here lol but thanks, I have played some of these, I’m gonna check the others.

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ALso i you have an old xbox I recomend project gotham racing 2.

I know, I know, I have an unhealthy obsession with F-Zero.

But with that said, if you’re looking for an arcade racer I am basically obligated to suggest F-Zero. There’s a handful of options, but I would generally suggest choosing between F-Zero X on the N64 and F-Zero GX on the GameCube. Nothing against the top-down SNES/GBA titles, I love those too. But X and GX are just fantastic. I think I wrote a (concerningly long) review of GX if you feel like popping over to the main Grouvee site to hunt it down.

I’d suggest playing both if you have time, but the tl;dr of what I like about them:

F-Zero X has a hard-rock style with super cool music and aesthetics, and the driving has this really smooth flow to it.

F-Zero GX really nails the feeling of going WAY too fast, with crazy tight controls. If you like the early 2000s Sega vibe, great news because this game was developed by AV. The graphics and music kinda have that classic Sega feeling to them.

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Or you could play a real racing game like Wipeout :+1: all in jest. Lol
I want a remaster or port of F zero GX so bad. That game is fantastic and probably one of the only racing games i actually consider hard.


Never played WipeOut or FZero.

I don’t know why developers can’t just make the exact kind of game I want. I mean, they’ve had since the 70s, surely they must be able to by now. :sweat_smile:

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Forza Horizon 4 is dirt cheap right now because they plan to delist it in December. I got the ultimate edition with a bunch of car unlocks for $25 CAD. It’s really great, and I get to drive up to Edinburgh, visit my old flat and my workplace and generally feel really nostalgic about the Scotland and the UK, lol.

I’d even say I like it better than Forza Horizon 5. The only downside is you won’t be able to participate in festival events beyond the end of this summer, but I don’t really care about that, I’m just focused on the main campaign events and having fun driving around.


I actually check this and it’s still £60 in the UK. :sob:

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Oh, maybe it’s only the Steam version of FH4 that is on sale then.

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Can anyone recommend some hidden gems across the DS family of consoles that are worth checking out?


It’s hard to tell sometimes what’s still considered a hidden gem so feel free to yell at me if any of these are mainstream.

  • Trace Memory / Another Code
  • Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (haven’t played the DS version but loved it on PlayStation)
  • Cooking Mama
  • Harvest Moon DS: the Tale of Two Towns
  • Scribblenauts
  • the Sims 2 (I know the franchise is very mainstream but I rarely hear people talk about the handheld versions)
  • Rune Factory: a Fantasy Harvest Moon
  • Hotel Dusk: Room 215
  • Lost in Blue
  • Trauma Center: Under the Knife

The downside im finding to this is that a lot of the stuff id recommend is getting expensive… at least from what ive looked at.

Inazuma 11 is a futbol rpg game by Level 5, i think it got physical copies in japan and europe

Yo-kai watch is a pokeclone, but considered one of the better ones…i havent played them yet.

Rhythem Thief, havent played it yet either but i was told by many to gst it. Its a sega game.

Contact, rpg by grasshopper manufactur, i dont know much about this honestly, but it shows up often on lists.

Solatarobo, dog mech action rpg, its opening movie was done by MadHouse who did anime like Death Note. Its loosely tied to a ps1 game i cant remember the name of, and a pair of tactics rpgs on newer consoles, but i think its just shared world.

Crimson Shroud is a very deeply Dungeons and Dragons inspired rpg, with you rolling dice via touch screen

Shinobi 3D which is from the long running sega series and some argue might be the best of the series

Ever oasis, played this a few years ago, it was fantastic and i regret selling my copy. Made by Grezzo who made the ds zelda titles, its an action adventure that has you build a desert oasis and attract new people and vendors, then collext stuff for them to improve the town.

Okamiden, follow up to Okami. Do i need to say more?

Hotel Dusk 215, a detective visual novel. Never finished it as my copy got stolen, but what i played was good.

Elite Beat Agents, a rythem game with a quirky style. It might be the quintessential hidden gem on ds. I hear it mentioned every single time this convo comes up.

Rythem heaven games, think warioware but instead you have to keep a beat. Pretty fun.


I enjoyed Persona Q-2. Haven’t played the first one.

The Epic Mickey and de Blob 2 are really mindless platformers you’ll probably tire of before finishing, but they’re fun to visit for a bit.

Contact is a really odd RPG on DS. I never finished it but it definitely stuck with me.

I love Rayman 2 on Dreamcast, and Rayman 3D a port of that version. It has some framerate issues, though if you have a hacked New Nintendo 3DS there are some tricks to getting that silky smooth 60 FPS on the go.

If you do have a hacked console so eShop availability isn’t necessarily a show-stopper for you, I really enjoyed Pocket Card Jockey, HarmoKnight and Attack of the Friday Monsters.


I second Roach’s suggestions of Scribblenauts and Trauma Center, both of those are great.

I’ve also been a big fan of Advance Wars for a long time, and the DS entry, Days of Ruin, was a pretty fun title to play through. If you’ve ever played games like Fire Emblem and enjoyed the strategy/combat aspect, Advance Wars is a franchise that’s probably right up your alley.

It’s definitely a more mainstream suggestion, but Wild World might still be my favorite Animal Crossing title and could be a fun one to pick up.


I recommend Halo 2 on the original xbox. It is the greatest game I have ever played.

I played it via the Master Chief Collection. While I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite FPS, it’s my favourite Halo.

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