
Badge please.

I’ve torn apart Fez a few times. The first time I put on those glasses, I was completely filled with joy looking at the world from that perspective, even if it did show up as a weird moving screenshot.


I love’d Fez such a well designed game


This was probably my first introduction to modern indie games. Didn’t have a modern system for a while, but I was roommates with someone who owned a 360 once, so I picked Fez up out of curiosity. Still really love it and I think you can see its DNA still in games like Monument Valley, or even Captain Toad.


I beat this game awhile back. Can I have the badge? :sunglasses:


Completed it a few years ago. I found out later that I got the “bad” ending. But I liked it!


Hi, I played Fez in 2016. Can still remember a few of the puzzles. Loved it. Can I have a badge?


Completed it a few days ago. Give me a fez please.


I was fully on-board the hype train for Fez. I was watching trailers repeatedly. I was reading about the game’s development. But it was going to be an Xbox exclusive, and I did not have an Xbox.

We had just moved to NYC. I was really feeling the change in lifestyle–that is, how much more expensive everything was. I hated spending money. I had a good job, but we didn’t have much support in the area. We were still making friends, and we had a new baby.

And my wife got my a 360 for Christmas.

I had so many mixed feeling about it. I was glad to get the 360. I was glad to get to play Fez. But I was afraid of being irresponsible. Of putting this small game above my family and our finances.

We had a fight about it.

But, ultimately, Andi and I played Fez together. And it was great. Ultimately a bit of a kaufmanesque underwhilming misdirection on the world-building front; but wonderful gameplay that wasn’t succeeded for me until The Witness.

I love it when a game turns you into a crazy person, with notes that might show up on an episode of Law and Order. All the more when we were living in Manhattan. I felt like Jerry Orbach might burst into our apartment at any moment, and I’d have to explain the alien language that filled the notes strewn across seemingly every surface.

Badge please.


Fez was such a great game! Too bad the creator isn’t making the sequel. Badge please!


It’s good to see this one has a badge as it has a special place in some people (and in history) I completed it the other year and overall did enjoy it.


Ooh the badge for this is cute, and fitting as well. Great game, I’ve been trying to convince my partner to play it as well because I enjoyed it so much.


badge me please. Yet another game i discovered that i beat.

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Completed. Love the Doctor Who reference in the badge name