Dragon Age: Origins

Get me a badge, please. I love this game!


Time to claim it. Badge Please!

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I didn’t like the gameplay at all, but the story was cool and the caracters… the caracters…
Well, the characteres WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Some of the best characters I’ve ever seen in a game… on in a artwork.

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Hi, me again. I played DAO in 2016. I liked it with a few exceptions. Played the expansion one year later. Can I have a badge?

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Completed this game SO many times! And all the expansions. Love it!

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Beating Origins years ago (on a PC that was NOT designed for video gaming) was a ride and a half. It’s been a favorite of mine ever since (still never did an elf playthrough though…).

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I completed this one when it came out. I think it’s the first game I bought DLC for as well. Bought all of the DLC and enjoyed all of it.

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I completed this game quite some time ago and while I’m still finishing DAI, DAO is definitely the leading lady in this series.


I’ve beaten this multiple times. Might be my favorite game of all time.

This is me requesting its badge.

Edit: While I’m at it, I’d like to request the badges for 2 and Inquisition as well.

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I completed 3 times too (I finished Inquisition first :frowning: ). I loved!

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I completed Dragon Age: Origins way back on the Xbox 360. Its still my favourite Dragon Age game to this day!


I completed this game years ago. It wasn’t perfect but it was an amazing experience and very memorable. It will probably stay among my favourite games.

I would like the badge please!


Ooh this is one I want to go back and review, been a few years since I completed it but I still have some uh… very strong feelings about certain aspects of the gameplay. Incredible story though.


Hello. I have completed this game. Thank you as always.


Finished this one some years ago.
Didn’t like the gameplay, but absolutely loved the characters and the way your character IS another relevant character.


Finish it when it came out on the PS3. Perhaps this is the best west rpg of all times, its a shame the second and third one are not that good. Even skiped the second one, still, someday I will play it. Waiting to hear more news abouth the 4° one.


Been a while, but I remember playing through this at least twice. I still need to go back and play the expansions for it, which I’ve heard are pretty good. Badge please and thank you


Another game on my backlog I remember beating. Was really great remineded me a lot of Star Wars Knights of the Old republic. Badge me please!

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