That is definitely the most sexual picture I have seen of Luigi, but I haven’t seeked out similar pictures. Maybe I should!
I’m just here to remind all Waluigi fans thant there’s a fangame called Psycho Waluigi and it is absolutely excelent.
(Or at least I remember it being excellent when I played it 12 years ago)
I love mario but wish nintendo would stop taking down all the good mods
New Club Mario Topic — Other Games Featuring Mario Before Super Mario Bros
- Donkey Kong Jr. (1982) — Mario’s second game appearance, from what I understand. But you don’t play as him. He is the antagonist who has captured Donkey Kong! Play as Junior, the onesie-wearing ape, climbing up and down vines and avoiding Mario’s army of robot alligators.
- Various Game and Watch games (1982 to 1985) — Donkey Kong II, Mario’s Cement Factory, Mario’s Bombs Away… Anyone here have any experience with the Game and Watch?
- Mario Bros (1983) — Plumbers Mario and Luigi have to kill all the animals in the sewer, such as turtles, crabs, and Galaga bugs. Jump beneath the platform the animal’s on to knock it out, then kick it into oblivion. Or use the mysterious POW block to create a small earthquake that stuns the creatures. Versions of this game were included with all the GBA Super Mario game ports. It would also get a spiritual successor to this on the Virtual Boy, titled Mario Clash.
- Various Guest Appearances (1984 to 1985) — Mario shows up as the umpire in NES Tennis, and holds up a platform in the Breakout-esque mode of NES Pinball. He also may or may not be the golfer in NES Golf.
- Wrecking Crew (1985) — Construction workers Mario and Luigi have to break down a bunch of walls, pillars, ladders, etc. Mario has temporarily given up on jumping, so you’ll have to be careful about the order in which you destroy things. If a block you need to wreck is out of reach, you’re out of luck! Accept death at the hands of a fireball, or a giant sentient wrench (reminds me of Number Munchers). I have to wonder if this was an influence (along with the original Donkey Kong) for the animated film Wreck-It-Ralph.
Any thoughts on any of these games? I find it interesting how Mario had already fully solidified himself as the Nintendo mascot well before his first side-scrolling platformer. That’s the power of Donkey Kong for ya?
I used to play the arcade version of Mario Bros. I’m actually a big fan of that game because it was a fun 1x1 versus game and I also had the arcade classics edition for NES. When they then included it in SMB3 I would play it all the time with my brother, if were were playing the main game in co-op.
One of the best things about SMB3 is the way it handled co-op play. It’s just taking turns, but the levels are really short so you’re never waiting long to do something. And the Mario Bros VS mode was fun as a sort of mini-game to spice things up. You have better control of your character compared to the arcade original, and it was smart of them to replace the turtles with the spiny enemies (to make it clear you can’t jump on them to defeat them).
I feel like not many games tried to replicate SMB3’s style of a two-player “campaign,” which feels like a missed opportunity for a lot of games in hindsight.
SMW is pretty close, plus you can start a two player game, give all your lives to Luigi and then kill off Mario, leaving yourself with Luigi as the sole hero, which everyone should do because Luigi > Mario!
Anyone been playing any Mario games lately?
I decided to replay Mario Odyssey over the past few weeks. The first time I played it, I only did post-game stuff for a little while, getting tired of the moon-hunting around the 350 mark, but made myself stop at 420. This time, I pushed myself to get a bunch more moons, stopping at a nice even 666. I think my opinion of the game as a whole hasn’t changed much from last time. It’s fun and cute and breezy. Very polished. There’s a few legitimately unique locales for Mario to visit for once, and I liked collecting silly costumes with all the coins I collected. It’s nice to earn rewards! Could’ve lived without the very forced motion gimmicks (why no option for a button press for the special moves?). Thought the rabbit villains were lame (Mario had to hang out with the accursed Rabbids too… What’s gives?). The cap-throwing moveset is fun, though I end up mostly doing the same set of moves repeatedly to get around quicker. Possessing enemies is nice for variety in gameplay, giving some nice little puzzles to solve as a bonus. It never delves too deep into any of these new modes of play, but I think that’s fine for what the game’s going for.
I’ve generally preferred Mario games for platforming challenges, over exploration. It’s why I’m on Team Mario 3 as opposed to Team Mario World, whenever “best classic Mario game” discussions come up. I feel there’s a similar comparison to be made between Mario 64 and Mario Odyssey. There’s platforming challenges and exploration in both, but it’s a matter of how far the dial is turned to the left or the right. And when there’s around a thousand moons as opposed to a hundred or so stars… Well, for me at least, a lot of the moon-hunting felt like a chore (to varying degrees of tedium). I think if you really love searching through every cranny and nook of a 3D platformer’s environment, then you won’t have much of anything to complain about for all those moons. To put it all another way, I find completing a well-designed challenge more rewarding than meandering about and stumbling upon a few dopamine hits. =P
All that said though, I’d still put Mario Odyssey above Mario 64, ha ha. Just a matter of controls, physics, and camera all improving for 3D platformers over the years. Will be curious to see what they decide to do for the next 3D Mario game. Perhaps Bowser’s Fury is a bigger hint of what’s to come, but who knows?
I’ve been re-playing Super Mario Bros.Wonder ! I think it’s only my 2nd time
I thought I’d try to go for 100% this time; I like having something to keep me busy–but yes, seems games just have too many levels these days. And there seem to be blank spaces where even MORE levels should be. They can’t all be accessed via secret exits, because I looked it up and there aren’t enough. So it gets to the point where it’s like, what’s the point
I like Super Mario 64; I’ve 120 starred that one a few times–including this year, as I used it for one of the Halloween Challenges. That can be done in a few days, at least once you get the hang of it
Super Mario Bros. 3 is my favorite, we grew up with the NES trilogy. Though I was wondering if people back in the day saw something like a Para-goomba and thought the series jumped the shark from [Super Mario Bros] 1
I ended up feeling pretty mixed about Wonder. I mean, it’s good, but I wasn’t completely blown away by it like most folks. The wacky gimmicks in every level were entertaining, but I felt the core platforming gameplay ended up kinda sidelined in the process. I’m sure I’ll replay it one day and maybe I’ll soften up on it.
Might have to wonder if people thought the series jumped the shark with the second game! (Well, if referring to Mario Bros USA, not Lost Levels.) That was obviously a big departure from the first. But also nothing had really been “set in stone” yet, so perhaps most players thought nothing of it. Like yeah, maybe we will be throwing turnips in this series from now on. Phanto, Cobrat, Ostro, Mouser, and Wart? Surely they’ll be mainstays for the series. =P
Anyone been playing Mario games?
I recently played through New Super Luigi U, via the Switch release which bundled that with New Super Mario Bros U. For those wondering, Luigi U was a large DLC which eventually got its own standalone release. It’s basically just remixed harder versions of all the stages from New U, but you play as Luigi (with his wonky flutter-kick jump), and have a 100-second time limit. So you gotta go fast. There are still three big gold coins to collect in each stage, should you so desire. And if the game’s too tough, you can play as Toadette (who can turn into Peach and float a lot further, and has an extended time limit), or play as Nabbit (who can’t get hurt).
It gave me Mario 3 vibes, thanks to its slightly greater platforming challenge, and bite-sized levels. So overall… I liked it! It’s still clearly a DLC package, but IMO I prefer it to New U.
A couple weeks ago i played a bit of new super mario bros 2 on the 3ds and i think im starting to understand why its considered a bit poor compared to most of the franchise.
I plan to play super mario 3d world this year sometime as i keep being told its fantastic
Super Mario 3D Land is also fun. I don’t love it as much as 3D World, but it still holds it’s own. You can tell a lot of the ideas that are perfected in 3D World are being workshopped in 3D Land, but it’s still a good time.
3D World is indeed fantastic, and worth a playthrough with a friend if you can manage that. I personally found it a huge step up from 3D Land, which I found bland.
I found New Bros 2 bland as well, but also a big disappointment. It has the “get a million coins” gimmick to it, but the game isn’t actually built around it. A missed opportunity to do something different with the Mario platformer formula IMO.