Monthly Backlog Club

Is the point of this to have everyone be able to discuss a game that we all played more or less simultaneously, or is the point just to plow through backlog? If it’s the latter, then multiple games makes perfect sense. If it’s the former, I’m not sure what kind of coherent dialogue this would be able to generate.


It’s kind of for both, but mostly for everyone to gather round and have something to talk about.

My plan is to make it where I pick a genre, then we decide on 2-3 games to play from that genre. That way people will hopefully have one of the games and might not have to go out and buy one if they don’t want. We’ll have a thread for each game.

Maybe it won’t work, and maybe we’ll need to go to one game. I figure we’ll try it once and go from there.


I thought we were going to be voting using a poll system, that way everyone gets to throw their nominations into the poll and we’re left with a few top choices.

I agree with Andrew. I feel we should limit the number of games down to at least 2, at most 3, to give people a little room on game selection. Ideally I’d say 1 but I’m not sure how gung ho people would be about participating if it is a game they know they won’t like, simply can’t afford, etc. Trying not to exclude anyone is important at this point because there are only a few of us on the forums as it is.

I’m not too keen on this genre idea. If anything the games should be from different genres that way it is more likely someone will participate in at least 1 of the nominated games. Limiting it to the same genres means there is an increased likelihood that people will not participate if it is a genre they can not enjoy. For instance, I refuse to play a point-and-click adventure game. If all of the games in the month are point and clicks, you probably won’t see me until next month. Some people feel this way about JRPGs, Fighters, etc.


That’s more or less what we’re doing.

I don’t mind throwing this out.

I’m starting the other thread today. I’ll link to it over here when I’m done.


This is a very nifty idea. The format as outlined in the new thread sounds good to me, as well. Count me in! :>


Here’s the main thread for January: [MBLC Nominations] January 2015


To not clutter the suggestions thread: can we repeat someone else’s nomination(s) if we fancy the same titles, or would you prefer if we stuck to as many unique titles as possible?


Just keep the nominations to unique games. When we vote, you can just vote for someone else’s game if that’s what you want to play. If you already see a game you’re going to vote for, you don’t have to nominate anything really.


I’ve created a couple of badges for the MBLC. The first one is a “nominator” badge that you get for posting in any of the nomination threads. It should backfill everyone that’s already posted in our first nomination thread.

The second is a “voter” badge. If you liked a post in the Poll thread, you should get the badge later tonight.

Do you think I should make one for each month?

I think I’ll make one for actually participating in the club too.

Do you guys have any other thoughts or ideas for cool badges?


I kind of like the idea of a badge for each game. Obviously you’d be working on a bit of an honor system that way though. I suppose for games with achievements, you could make the badge for a certain achievement. Of course that brings up whether the badge will be awarded to people who played it before it was picked, or after it’s no longer the monthly game.


You should create a '‘Fucking Badass’ badge for yourself my good sir!


Anyone playing the other two games for this month yet? If you are, just create a thread that starts with [MBLC Chat] and go to town.

I want to hear about Brothers and The Longest Journey!


I played through one of the ones that wasn’t picked this month. :laughing:


I’ll be playing both Transistor (starting tomorrow, so I guess I’ll be done tomorrow as well, heh) and Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons after Transistor’s done. The latter is exceedingly short from what I’ve heard so it would be neat if other folks who voted for it would dive in, as well.


I’ll be hopping into Brothers this weekend as well. They’re both pretty short games really, so I’m hoping I can finish them both soon.


Are you guys interested in continuing this for February? I think there’s been a pretty decent turnout for the first month honestly.

Is there anything you’d change?


Definitely! I feel pretty shitty having not contributed given that two of my nominations were picked this month (blame it on 90 hours of Persona Q :sweat: ). I’ve definitely enjoyed reading everyone’s immediate impressions.


I’d like to jump in this month if I have any of the highlighted games in my queue. I’ll certainly keep an eye out for the selected title each month.


Definitely kept playing because of this.
There wasn’t a lot of discussion around the game (I played Transistor), but it was the first time and we weren’t playing with a lot of people. Let’s keep this a thing! :smile:


The nomination thread is up for February. Same rules as last time.

Don’t feel bad at all! I’d like to hear about Persona when you’re done because I’m kind of having trouble getting into a little bit.